
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.


Ubqari Magazine - December 2013

[Dr Muhammad Shaoib Malik, Abbotabad]

Had no intension of sitting today also, but, when I entered the room a thought crossed my mind that my wife takes so much care of me, never asks for anything as a reward of serving me and still I have not listened to her till today.

Respected Hakeem Sir, I met a person a few days back and while talking, he said, that for a long time he lived in Europe. Also present was one of his neighbors whom I use to meet often in mosque and often use to chat with him. One day the elderly neighbor said that the piousness which you see in me and the fact that my children are Hafiz-e-Quran is all due to my wife. I asked how? He narrated the whole story.

He said that I am a pilot and was a careless person before getting married. Neither used to offer Salah nor use to fast. I was just a Muslim by name. I got married in a religious family and thanks Allah (S.W.T) my wife was very skillful and religious. When I use to come back home after duty, she use to take good care of me and I use to forget my tiredness. I use to feel peaceful and relaxed the moment I entered my home. My wife use to tell me to offer Salah and fast too, but I use to make excuses of tiredness etc. and like this many years passed by. Allah blessed us with two children and besides worldly education she use to give religious education to the kids too. She had fixed separate timings to tell the children about Islamic history, companions of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), Salah, fastening and recitation etc. She used to ask me also, to sit in these sessions and I use to make lame excuses. One day, when I returned home from duty, she was telling the children about companions of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), she ask me to sit for a while, I said I will come after freshening up. Even today I had no intension to sit in this session but then I thought that my wife takes so much care of me, keeps regard of my likes and dislikes, never asks for anything and I do not listen to her even then. After freshening up, I sat in this session. A book was read about Salah, then life history of companions of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was taught, I felt very peaceful and tiredness went away. Now, every day the moment I came back this session use to begin. One day few Huffaz companions of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and the rewards their parents will get in the eternal world were taught. I asked my wife that we will make our children Huffaz too. She was very pleased and said that this is exactly what I want. Hence, we started remembrance of Holy Quran to our kids besides, worldly education. I became so interested that I also started remembering Quran by heart and today by the grace of Allah (S.W.T) I am a Hafiz-e-Quran and when I am flying the aircraft, with grace of Allah I recite 15 siparas (chapters) while going and 15 siparas (chapters) on the way back.

There are two lessons in this story. The first is that if the wife is religious, she can make the whole family religious and secondly, we should teach our children religious books, Salah, Fastening, benefits of recitations, teachings of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and life history of companions of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) on daily basis, even though for little time, but, such sessions should be carried out so that along with us, the kids also know about their religious duties, Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and other things about practicing of religion. We should know about the way Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and his companions led their lives. We should have affection and love of these pious personalities and we should also know what kind of spiritual connection they had with Allah (S.W.T). This will protect our kids from the sinful deeds of today’s societies and will serve as a tonic for them. Kids are innocent and so are their minds. Their first school is the lap of mother. They will learn the ways with which their parents are b    the life. Once a teacher asked from the kids in the school, what would you become when you grow up, some said Doctor, some pilot, some said engineer and then one kid stood up and he said that I will become like companions of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). The teacher was astonished on this answer. On inquiring about the kid’s household, it was learnt the kid’s family is religious and his mother daily gives lessons of religious books and tells stories about companions of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

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