
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Spiritual treatment for Spiritual diseases

Ubqari Magazine - December 2013

Painful, burning and strange letters, suffering from black magic!

Please don’t send any kind of cash in the envelope. For issues requiring attention, do send postpaid envelope (with address written on it). Write briefly and only on one side of the page. Do not use additional gum, tape or stapler because it tears the letter while opening. Privacy will be ensured. Write your name, city’s name and your complete address clearly on the response envelope, otherwise your letter will not be responded due to incomplete address.

Sad stories, bitten by black magic!

Ten years old ailment:

Ten years ago I suffered from severe injury on the left side of my head and legs. Even after recovery, the pain continued and with which I still suffer on the entire effected side. The pain ceases temporarily for a few days with the use of some particular medicines, but it re-appears as soon as I stop taking it.

(Mohammad Bilal, Karachi)


 “Bismillah hir Rahmanir Raheem, Kulla Yaumin Huwa fi Sha’an”.

: بِسْمِ اللہِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِیْم ‘ کُلَّ یَوْمٍ ھُوَفِیْ شَاْنٍ (الرحمٰن)

Recite these words even times each in the morning, afternoon and evening, blow on water and drink it. Also blow on your hands and turn them all over the effected parts of your body. We pray to Almighty Allah that you are relieved of the pain.

Risk of health deterioration:

I cannot sleep well in the night. Different thoughts keep striking one after the other that does not let me have a sound sleep. After a short while, mentally I get so tired that I wake up and then cannot sleep again. After I get up, I feel as if I did not sleep at all. I fear that this lack of sleep and repeated awakening might affect my health.

(Mohammad Kamran, Lahore)


 In the night, before going to bed drink a cup of milk with honey. When you lie down to sleep, close your eyes and keep repeating in your imagination: “Huwallazi Anzala Minassamaai

  ہُوَالَّذِیْ اَنْزَلَ مِنَ السَّمَآ ِٔ  Continue imagining for ten minutes and then go to sleep. Insha’Allah you will get rid of excessive thoughts and lack of sleep.

Transformation of thoughts:

Since one year there is an indescribable transformation in my thoughts which I am trying to explain as elaborately as I can. Various questions about human being and his existence arise in my mind. The physicians suggest that this is mental stress and give me tranquilizers, but I cannot sleep at all. Especially at the time of Maghreb, I start getting a strange feeling and my heart beat increases. I feel as if I am about to die and loose consistency of thoughts. On hearing some unusual news my heart’s state becomes worse.(Aliya, Kasur)


Keep reciting “Ya Hafeezu”  یَاحَفِیْظُ after Assar and prior Maghreb prayers. Write Allah neatly on a good quality paper with blue ink. Watch this Ism for five minutes without blinking your eyes in the morning and before sleeping at night. Furthermore, whenever you get a chance, see this paper at other times of the day as well for a few mintes. For your convenience, paste this paper on some cardboard etc. Keep it at some suitable place or hang it on the wall.

Acceptance of prayer:

 My prayers are not accepted. I feel as if my prayers strike with the sky and return back unheard. I try to pray in a very good manner but my prayers do not achieve acceptance. (N, Karachi)


It is important to remember some basic things about praying.

1: The prayer should be based on well wishes.

2: Along with praying to Allah, one should analyze his/her practical life to make sure that he/she is not hurting anyone or violating other’s rights.

3: That one is earning his/her living by lawful (halaal) means.

It is also important to keep in mind that sometimes the things that apparently seem to be better for us may prove to be harmful. Only Allah has the wisdom to understand as to what and when something is better for us. If you take a look on your entire life, you will realize that Allah has blessed you with so many favors and comforts just because of His being divinely merciful. And that you are getting benefit of all these blessings. To doubt the acceptance of prayer is an evil suspicion which leads to detachment of connection with Allah.

Gynecological problems:

I am a chronic patient. Medicine is only effective just for few days. I suffer from constipation and gynecological problems. My face is full of acne scars and pimples and pale yellow color is prominent in my eyes. I don’t feel like working. Sadness surrounds me and I avoid seeing people. I am gaining weight and hairs are growing on my face. Advise me according to my problems and also suggest appropriate Wazifa to recite.

(K, Karachi)


Your problems are not incurable. Stop worrying and avoiding people. Walk briskly in the morning. This exercise will be good for you. Increase the quantity of fruits and vegetables in your diet. It will be better to write a letter to Ubqari’s medical column for the suggestion of suitable medicine. Recite “Bismillah hir Rahmanir Raheem” hundred times every day, blow on water and drink it. Insha’Allah you will get better.

Reduction of sustenance and debt:

We are four sisters and our father is the only bread earner in the family. I got married but have been separated from my husband. For the last fifteen to twenty years, we are facing bad domestic conditions in one way or the other. We are always facing poverty and debt. Whatever business we try to do, we fail. Everybody has turned away from us. Sometimes I feel someone has casted a spell on us. (Kiran khan, Peshawar)


The thought of magic or spell is the fabrication of distressed mind. Have firm faith in Allah and recite “Ayat-e-Kareema” one hundred times after Isha prayer and “Ya Basitu”   یَابَاسِطُ  three hundred times after Fajar prayer for ninety days.

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