
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Horrible consequences of calling the child worthless and disabled

Ubqari Magazine - November 2013

Only contented and well trained children can become happy and useful citizens. Sports are as important for children as sun light and heat for plants. Sports and entertainment help in the development of children.

It is well said that a child’s birth is the increment in happiness. If all the parents understand this point that children are born with the treasures of happiness and pleasure; not only the children are loved in advance at every place but the pleasures of common human beings also increase. Very few parents are aware of this sacred trust they are blessed with. There are many parents who beat their children ruthlessly over small things and many of them even think that their personal care is more important than their children; though children’s education and training is more important than personal care. To bring up the children well is each parent’s duty which they should try to fulfill at its best. By doing so, they can avoid spending huge sums of money in criminal trials and prisons. Children’s skills can be moulded to increase the income if they are engaged in productive activities instead of allowing them to become spoiled and rotter because only useful and efficient citizens become a source of wealth and fortune for the nation. If modern and progressive methods are adopted for the training and education of children since beginning, useless people will not exist in the country.Only contented and well trained children can become happy and useful citizens. Sports are as important for children as sun light and heat for plants. Sports and entertainment help in the development of children; having this natural food they grow up and flourish well; parent’s love, kindness and affection work as light for their growth. 

Cheerful children become useful citizens: The children should be allowed to play outdoor as well as indoor games, as it is often seen that even at home, the children are treated with seriousness and they are not allowed to play with happiness and interest. If this natural desire is suppressed it results dangerously. The parents should at least try to take care of their children’s happiness as far as they can. The advantage of this is that when they step into practical life, they will happily face the failures and hardships. Moreover if the children are given chance to live happily; they will not be silent and suppressed rather they will prove to be helpful for their parents and become better citizens.

Discouragement in childhood gives birth to failures: There will be many poor and unfortunate people around you who may blame childhood discouragement for their failures and disappointments. If a child is all the time scolded, not allowed to be on his own and questioned for everything he does, his parents can never make him a capable person. The children who are abused all the time and their faults are pointed out to them, their hearts are broken and they lose everything even their self-respect! When day and night they keep listening to the same voices they believe that they are truly spoiled, they neither have any respect nor does anybody need them. Calling a child rotten and spoiled all the time makes him so much dejected that finally he becomes careless and avoids even the slightest effort to succeed; it damages his strength and courage so badly that his progress is stopped for life. Some parents talk to their child like this, “Hurry up lazy, useless boy, you are foolish and idle, you can’t do anything”, using such words destroys the child’s natural abilities and it’s a criminal act because the child starts thinking that he will never be able to do anything in the world. Many parents tell their friends in front of their children that their son is completely rotten and idle, saying this they do not realize that these words will never wipe off from their child’s heart. The words imprinted on child’s heart and brain effect deeper on his personality with age. 

Encourage the children: Children’s development mostly depends on receiving admiration and appreciation; they work harder if they are praised. Parents and teachers who trust children encourage and help them. The children also love them but disgrace and looking down upon discourages them and scolding over small matters darkens the sky of their happiness and pleasures very soon. If there are some weaknesses and imperfections in a child, he should not be reminded of them all the time. The parents and teachers should view and talk about his qualities and strengths. If your purpose is to draw his attention on such imperfections which may be harmful, it should be done properly so that the child may not fall a prey to inferiority complex. Human nature rebels against hostility, disrespect and criticism. However it inclines to cooperate with politeness and sweet words. Instead of scolding the students for their mistakes, it is important for teachers that they give strength and courage to their students by telling them that they are not created for failure and disappointment but for happiness and success. They should be told that they can do if they try and they can also improve. The parents should change the heart and mind of their child by replacing fears with strength and courage and doubts with self-confidence and if they do so, they will see a revolutionary change in the aims and passions of their child.

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