
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.


Ubqari Magazine - October 2013

Muhammad Maqsood, Faisalabad

 “If somebody’s son or daughter’s marriage is not taking place only due to non availability of money, then the father or mother of the boy or girl should recite ARABIC3125 times for forty days daily after Isha prayers followed by یَاوَھَّابُ یَارَزَّاقُ 33 times after each Wazifa.”

یَاوَھَّابُ یَارَزَّاقُ One who grants in abundance:   This word has emerged from HABBAH ہبہ which means to grant without charges. Or in other words a grant which has no desire for gains and granted to anybody that is wished for, giving of wealth to others without any price. This is how one is called Wahab who grants without questioning. Allah Almighty is Wahab. He grants to his beings in such a manner that no one can match him as there is no one in this world who gives without any expectation of return. Hence anybody who calls Almighty with this name of his specific quality, he opens the doors of his treasures on the person seeking his grants. He gets whatever he prays for. Particularly, this name is related to the abundance of provisions (Rizq). This is Ism-e-Jamali and has 4 alphabets.

Solution for poverty and scarcity of provisions:  A person who is affected with poverty and scarcity of provisions, which means that his expenses are more than his income, he should recite this Ism 1100 times in the morning and 1100 time in the afternoon for 111 days. In addition, if his family members also start reciting the same, there will be conditions produced for sudden increase in income and in a short time Allah Almighty will make them rich. When the desire is achieved, the Ism is to be permanently recited 1000 time every day after Fajr prayers.

Wazifa for increase in wealth: The Wazifa of یَاوَھَّابُ یَارَزَّاقُ is very effective for increase in wealth. A person desirous for the same should offer ‘Awabeen’ Nawafils after the Maghrib prayers. After this two nafils should be offered to gain the kindness of Almighty. In every Rakat of these Nawafils, recite the above mentioned Wazifa 100 times after the recitation of Surah al Baqarah and recitation of another Surah. After the Nawafil, recite the same wazifa 111 times in Sajda and then pray for increase in provisions while still in Sajda. Insha Allah there will be great increase in the wealth. This practice is to be continued for one year.

Wealth for getting married:   If somebody’s son or daughter’s marriage is not taking place only due to non availability of money, then the father or mother of the boy or girl should recite ARABIC 3125 times for forty days daily after Isha prayers followed by  یَاوَھَّابُ یَارَزَّاقُ 33 times after each Wazifa. After this perform Sajda and pray to Almighty to resolve your financial shortcomings. This must be repeated at least thrice. Insha Allah, a source will be available immediately for your financial help.

Grant of Provisions for return of loan:   A person in debt who does not have means to pay it back, and who is being asked for return of the loan must assemble a few people after Jumma prayers, preferably family members. They should first recite ASTAGFAR استغفار 111 time. Then یَاوَھَّابُ یَارَزَّاقُ  41700 times. This practice is to be continued for three Jummas. After this, every day the person in debt should recite this wazifa 11000 times for 41 days. Then he should not recite it for 3 days and recite استغفار 111 times daily. After 3 days, he should continue with the previous Wazifa again - 11000 times daily for 41 days.  Insha Allah the problem will be resolved. If it does not work, the Wazifa should be repeated. Insha Allah the Lord will provide help from such a place which one cannot even think of.

Wazifa for being wealthy forever:   A person who desires that he is never short of wealth which means to stay wealthy forever or getting Allah’s provisions as needed, he as a daily routine should recite یَاوَھَّابُ 1400 times after Fajr prayers 1400 times before going to sleep. Insha Allah he will never face any financial hardship. If he is a businessman, then must recite it 2100 times every day before commencing the business. His business will never stop and neither will face any loss as this Ism is so powerful for gaining wealth that it cannot be explained. Therefore a person who always recites it can never be empty-handed. This wazifa is very effective for a person whose name is either Wahab or Sulaiman.

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