
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.


Ubqari Magazine - October 2013

Rizwana Begum, Lahore

 “An orderly wife keeps her husband’s comfort paramount in everything. No matter how much late he arrives at home in the evening, she serves him with hot meals, presents breakfast with splendor n the morning, keeps hot water available for him in the winters and serves with cold water in the summers .”

It is said by experienced elderly women that young wives gives special attention on their makeup and attractiveness but overlook the important aspect of living in harmony with their husbands.

For a happy married life, both husband and wife have to play their roles. But an orderly woman can make her home like heaven by using her wisdom and warm attitude. A young girl’s marriage is not a difficult thing as compared to living happily with her partner after marriage. This is the most important thing for her which needs her attention. In this regard following few points may be of great help and which can be beneficial if adopted: 

Thankfulness and Gratitude: To win a husband, this is the first and most effective tip. Due to her thankfulness and gratitude, a wife’s several unpleasant practices are ignored by a husband. For example her being spend thrift, frequent sickness, excessive spices in the food and several such homely issues. There is no doubt that mistakes and unpleasant things occur from both sides, but a woman with an attitude to reconcile, bears many of her husband’s mistakes with an open heart. She rather owns them and does not feel bad on small things. Her husband’s unpunctuality, excessive drinking of tea or smoking, continuous annoyance or hastiness etc. does not shatter her and she ignores such petty things with a smile and to a certain extent enjoys them.

Most satisfying thing for a wife is that she and her home becomes the centre of attraction for her husband. How great is this thing that a person who used to be wandering around without any objective and would move in one direction or another due to timely needs, have now gained a direction and destination, which is his home and whose queen is his wife. Isn’t it a very important thing for a wife that a person who belonged to no one is now under her influence for the rest of their lives? She should be very thankful and satisfied on this achievement.

Expressing liking and fondness:Next to showing of thankfulness and gratitude, the second most important attitude is to express liking for husband’s acts. A woman, who frequently interrupts her husband, maintains difference of opinion with him, shows her disliking on his gags and remains adamant on her views or adopts authoritative manner and exhibits her superiority, produces the feelings of hopelessness and dismay in her husband.

A husband is hungry for companionship and harmony. When he does not find them at home, he starts avoiding and staying away from home or prefers to spend time in the company of good or bad friends. Gradually a psychological or spiritual gulf is created between the couple and result of which is mostly borne by the wife. Responsibility of such a situation lies on the resolute wife, unaware of the consequences.

Care for husband’s comfort and relaxation:An orderly wife keeps her husband’s comfort paramount in everything. No matter how much late he arrives at home in the evening, she serves him with hot meal, presents breakfast with splendor n the morning, keeps hot water available for him in the winters and serves with cold water in the summers. Talks sweetly while he eats and does not worry him with minor household issues. This way he leaves home for work with satisfaction and when he returns home tired after work, is relieved to see the excellence of his wife. A wise wife also provides good advice on business affairs and harmony and understanding develops amongst the two.

Care for each other in married life:To cover the uneven stages of life, both husband and wife are to move with the same pace in a similar direction. A methodical wife adopts the same direction which her husband chooses. She does not take a step in the opposite direction but remains a steadfast companion of her husband in every difficult phase. This is how the life moves on with harmony and both can reach the desired destination with safety. 

Hence important tips for successful life with the husband are: Thankfulness, Obedience, and Cooperation with husband at every stage, Sharing his mistakes and Firm faith that marital relation is an unbeatable relation that will stay forever and must be kept staying. All of these things are weapons that can be very effective for an orderly and lucky woman.

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