
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Women Inquire??

Ubqari Magazine - September 2013

This page is donated to the diurnal familial and personal problems of women. Women should definitely write about their daily observations and experiences. Moreover write clearly and completely on one side of the page; even if it is unorganised.

What is your opinion?

(Sofia, Lahore)

Everybody has engaged themselves in different types of natural treatments nowadays. People earn a lot by treating the ailment by nutrition, needles and by massage therapy. Kindly let me know what do you think about it?

ADVICE:  Natural treatments are really very common these days, which consist of different methods and different breathing techniques. In this people are treated by mud, by slime and by light also.

They give massage to the vertebral column in a particular way. In olden days people used to apply leech for bleeding phlebotomy.

In Britain, they give their people special training for nature therapy. But here in Pakistan, we have inexperienced doctors for this, and their motive is to earn money only. You must surely concern a well-experienced and authorized doctor for this.

How will I get rid of this?

(Sawera, Islamabad)

My voice becomes heavy after every 2 - 3 months, for which I conculted many doctors but all in vain. Kindly tell me how can I get rid of it?

Advice: Mix powdered black pepper and lump of sugar in equal proportion. Take it with a spoon of honey whenever it happens, it will cover sore throat also.

Also boil some mint leaves and gargle with that water.

Oh! This bad odour


I have a cutting board in my kitchen, which I usually use for vegetables; it is now stinking since few days. I washed it properly with soap but no use. How will I get rid of this?

Advice: kindly wash it after every use, because usually the ladies do not wash it all the time.

Make a mixture of baking soda in water and apply it on the board, wash it properly after some time, you will inshallah get rid of that smell. And remember; be careful next time as dirty things are unhygienic. Also keep some baking soda in your refrigerator to avoid its particular smell/odour. Always keep the things covered in your refrigerators.

Pears - for anaemic patients

(Baigum saif ullah)

I like pear but its digestion is very slow. Can I know its healthy points/advantages?

Advice: there are many types of pears. For example sour pears, sweet pears and wild pears. Most of the people like pears of Peshawar. Its digestion is very slow but it helps in digesting other things. Have pears without peeling it, is very beneficial for heart, constipation and for quenching of thirst.

Once a girl visited me who was underweight. After going through her blood examination, I was surprised to see that her haemoglobin was near 4 - 5. I don’t know how she could stand in that.

I asked her to have full intake of pears for few days, which really worked and she started getting better and better. Having pears with sprinkled white cumin, black pepper and salt will help in increasing ones appetite.

For backache

(Ayesha, Karachi)

Two years ago I had an injury. Since that time I am suffering from backache. It has become better by the passage of time with medication, but now sometimes a throb of pain attacks me. Kindly tell me a good and an easy remedy for this.

Advice: there are several reasons for backache. For example it’s due to low appetite, depression, stress, injuries or high heels. Your backache is due to an injury, which sometimes appears by the seasonal changes also.

Always remember that having turmeric milk after any injury really works.

Get some tamarind and wax from a druggist. Mix both ingredients in equal proportion. Heat its mixture for a while and apply it on the affected area. The mixture should be Luke warm, cover it with a soft bandage and leave it till morning.

Repeat this for 7 - 8 days.

Also take turmeric milk for a few days. You can even fill turmeric in capsules if difficult to swallow.

Wisdom of our old people

(A, Peshawar)

I spent my life in house hold works. Now also I keep myself busy in doing a bit of my job. My husband also supports me. My daughter in law and my grandchildren lives with us but they have no time for me. My daughter in law feels bad when she has to give time to my guests and gossips a lot. I just want to know is that true that mind of old people also become old?

Advice: I had always experienced that old people always think in the right way. They also give the best of their advices. It’s very depressing that oldies are not given importance anymore. We should all realise that age always increase ones wisdom and dignity. If any part of their brain stops working due to any reason then other nearby cells start to work. This ability is not in young brains. This is a research finding; after this benefit was gained from the old people.

Don’t bother and let your daughter-in-law say whatever she wants to.  Try to keep yourself busy and divert your attention towards reading, and gardening with the help of your husband. Also try to visit any hospital or organization once a week which will really comfort you.

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