
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Excitement of Celebration Among the Walls

Ubqari Magazine - September 2013

Preacher Maulana Muhammad Kaleem sadeeqi madzlhe

Hazarat maoulana barkat tehem al aihum is a great preacher of Islam and his book the wind of righteous path (naseem hadaya ke jhonkey) is worth reading

After he took bath he wore new clothes. He then came to preacher Hammad Salma who was eight to nine years old. He then said to Hammad Salma to convert him to Islam as since last night he scared him so much and could not sleep. He said to Hammad that he remained worried last night that what if he dies, and then he has to burn in hell fury for eternity. He also told that last night he read his Ammanat three times. Little Hammad recited him the Kalma and said to him that “Brother Ashok! Now I change your name to Muhmmad Aashiq as my maternal uncle give names in the same manner”. Now Hammad took the new follower of Prophet Muhmmad (P.B.U.H) to his father. He introduced to his father and said that this is Brother Ashok and since last one week he was trying to convince him, that he also gave his father’s Ammanat to Muhmmad Ashiq. That he would also pray for him daily and today Allah Almighty has answered his prayers and he Ashok has converted to Islam. Daai Hammad said that today he has named Brother Ashok as Muhmmad Aashiq. On hearing this Daai Hammad’s father Qammar-ul-Islam embraced Aashiq and expressed his astonishment that since last one week he was wondering that why Hammad is so attached to him. Now he understands that he was trying to guide him to the right path. Qammar-ul-Islam said to Aashiq that Allah Almighty wanted to bestow his benevolence upon you. Hence HE attached young Daai Hammad with you. Aashiq said that after entering into the circle of Islam he feels secure and satisfied. He said to Qammar-ul-Islam to teach him how to offer prayers and the requirements that needs to be fulfilled to become a good Muslim.

Alhumdolillah, Ashok is now Muhmmad Aashiq and with each passing day his relation with religion Islam is strengthening. Qammar-ul-Islam offered 2-Rak’at prayers and greeted me on the phone. He narrated to me about the efforts of Daai Hammad about Muhmmad Aashiq. Qammar-ul-Islam also told me that before Ashok, he was trying to convince his school bus conductor. Efforts of Daai Hammad raised my courage too. I realized that in a country like Hindustan there are numerous opportunities for those who wish to work for the betterment and spread of Islam. Only the people here need to show courage and humbleness. A very responsible Hindu wrote and said that the relation of our countrymen with their religion Hinduism is only cultural. Number of sensible Hindus is very less in our country and a sensible Hindu cannot remain a Hindu. From among thousands of Hindus very few make an effort to see the Hindu Holy Book “Vedas”. And among millions of Hindus there are very few that makes a conscious effort to read Holy “Vedas”. And among those millions there would only be a few hundred that would understand “Holy Vedas” and this makes one in one hundred million that would understand “Holy Vedas”. This is also a fact that our countrymen are eager to sacrifice their lives in the name of their religion. Sacrifice in the name of religion is always given to please God. If people are told and made to understand that the sacrifice that they are giving will not please God rather it will invite the divine wrath then there is no doubt that, that person will not enter the folds of Islam. All what is required, is to make this nation understand few concepts with respect to the Day of Judgment with all sincerity. People with the mind set of “Doctrine of Necessity” are not required rather people that can raise the slogan of “”Qulu La Elahha illa allaha ho Tuflehoa””قُوْلُوْا لَااِلٰہَ اِلَّا اللہُ تُفْلِحُوْا I wish if we could pay the debt of our countrymen by understanding their temperament and nature. On the other hand the effort of young preacher gives us the food for thought. 

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