
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.


Ubqari Magazine - September 2013

Autobiography of one who been in supervision of genies and spends days and night with them. On the insistence of readers these true and astounding stories which are interesting as well are being published episode wise but to understand this, lot of patience and courage is required.

What is in this recitation (Wird)

 I approached the jinn that was left behind among them and enquired from him that what was the matter? The jinn said that a very powerful magician casted a strong spell upon the king. Had his magic succeeded the king would have died, his bones would have turned into powder and his flesh into water. But it seems that the king does some recitation or something is under his strong observation that has failed the spell of such a strong magic. I was curious and I decided to observe the king as I have happened to serve him personally. He would wake up at mid night and would take a bath or at times would do ablution only. I observed that he offered his 12 – Rakah(t) Tahajud prayer and sat down for his further prayers. I went near to listen to what he was reciting; I figured out that he was reciting “”Subhoon Qudooson Rabanna Wa Rab eil Malikati War Roohee”” سُبُّوْحٌ قُدُّوْسٌ رَبَّنَا وَرَبُّ الْمَلَائِکَۃِ وَالرُّوْحِ . He continues with his recitation and as he intensified I saw a white cloud between him and the sky. I realized that this is the blessing of Allah Almighty. My curiosity grew even stronger about the powers of the recitation of the King.

The secret of the king not getting murdered

I went to an elderly jinn and narrated him the whole happening. He smiled and replied that whatever you have seen is correct. He told that it was the spell of black magic and a group of Jinn were sent to kill the king. They tried their level best, but miserably failed. It was because of that very recitation that the king does regularly. The elderly jinn told me that he has been doing the same recitation since centuries, that anyone who would do it regularly; all the worldly powers would stand still for him. With concentration and dedication a recitation from the heart (not with the tongue, tongue to be kept still or under the teeth) would give astonishing results.

Astonishing results of the recitation

A continuous recitation of this would open new worlds for him. He will be surrounded by a spiritual light and wall. There would be an ocean of spiritual light around him. No magic or jinn will be able to hurt him. His body, mind and soul will be calm and would be in peace. He would be able to read the hearts of others; he will be able to understand the language of dead, the recitation of earth and stones. He will be able understand the languages of animals and birds. The treasures hidden underneath will be visible to him. He will be able to get to know about the secrets of universe. The elderly jinn told me that he has divulged this secret to a very few people.

A trip to the secrets treasures of the oceans

The saintly jinn told me that he also started the recitation with concentration. After few months the first secret of the universe that divulged was that I started to see the hidden treasures beneath (the earth). Once the saintly jinni was reciting the recitation sitting on the sea shore; He noticed that the sea has turned into glass. That he was able to see the aqua life till the bottom of the sea. Hence he decided to enter the sea. But then he thought that what if he assumes the form of a human and enters the sea water? So he assumed the human form and enters the sea. He noticed that sea water would not wet him and he would walk fearlessly without drowning. He said that he saw the hidden treasures of the ocean.

Recitation (Wazifah) to keep the heart alive all the time

Then I recalled a very saintly human being that resides in a mosque. I thought that why not to share this secret with him. I assumed the human form and went to him. He was having his mid-day rest. After his rest I introduced myself to him and narrated him the experience with the king and the elderly jinn and his sea experience. The human saint told me that he has his own experiences with the recitation of Subhoon Qudooson Rabanna Wa Rab eil Malikati War Rooh””  سُبُّوْحٌ قُدُّوْسٌ رَبَّنَا وَرَبُّ الْمَلَائِکَۃِ وَالرُّوْحِ . He told me that one experience is that the heart never dies.

Those who wish spiritual heights must recite

The human saint said that just like this recitation has saved the king from all the black magic without even getting him know, the same way this recitation saves one from the Black world and black deeds. That a person reciting the mentioned Wird will be saved from doing the wrong acts and will lead pious and a clean life. He also said that during his life he has observed that those who want to attain the spiritual heights must do this recitation. Those who want to reach the height of piousness and are reciting this already; they must concentrate more on this.

Get wellness through meditation

The saint told about such people that could not give up sinful life despite their best efforts. He said that he told them about this Wazifah and advised them to put in their best efforts of meditation. Once done with effort and concentration the results were astonishing. He further told about a person that was close to him and the views of the treasures of the world were open to him. He further told about him that once there was a time that, the same person was leading a sinful life. He would be drunk all day long and then the transformation took place. And now, all the time he is in a continuous Wird. That his health is great and treasures of the world are always before his eyes. He further told that if someone wants to attain good health he must wear a nice fragrance, select a place and time and start his Wird in meditation. But it must come straight from the heart. If time and place is not manageable then he can recite it otherwise too.

Divine healing, health and wellness

The human saint further told that whosoever has recited the Wird in meditation and otherwise has got the healing, wellness and good health. So many patients who have been declared untreatable when started this recitation they achieved good health and wellness. Their healing rendered everyone speechless.

Would ask Hadith from whomever he wants to

The human saint further told one more amazing fact about the recitation that if one starts the recitation and after few months the effect of the recitation starts building up. Then if one go to a grave of any person and does this recitation at his grave; he would be able to communicate with the person of the grave. The human saint told me that once a scholar came to him and said that award me a recitation that can help me being taught Hadith from a person that had the authentic knowledge of the Hadith but is dead. I told him to do the same recitation with concentration. The scholar consistently did that, and now he is able to confirm and ask the Hadith from the knowledgeable people that are dead.

Right on target

The human saint also told me that couple of days ago a person came to see him. He told him that his father was a great expert at the repairs and making of miniatures. But he never paid any attention and never bothered to learn any skills from his father. But now he wants to learn these skills of (and from) his father. The human saint said that he told him about this recitation and also told him the method of doing. He went on to do this. But after few months he came back to him and complained that the recitation did not work, the saint told him that there must be some effort that was missing as this recitation never fails. That person went on and came back twice, complaining that the recitation does not work. The human saint repeated the same and advised him to put more effort. Finally he got to talk to his father and learnt his skills. Those skills that his father took ninety years to master his son got them at the age of thirty five. With continuous effort and great concentration he was able to communicate with the people of the grave.

Strange secrets and tales of the universe

I was listening to the spiritual jinn with concentration and astonishment. I realized that there are many secrets of the universe that have not reach to us, but since jinns roam around the universe and live a very long life and among these jinns some live longer than the normal life span of their counterparts, hence they have a lot of knowledge about various disciplines and subjects to which we humans have no access; and for the humans, these disciplines and subjects now no longer exist. I have gathered much of the information about the jinns and among this information few are so strange that they are beyond human mind’s capacity to believe. This, so strange information about the universe has never been heard by the humans, but they are with the jinns. (To be continued…)

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