
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

The Story of the Rich Woman Who Used to beg on the Shrine

Ubqari Magazine - September 2013

The maid that used to work in that house used to tell that her boss used to earn so much money that those husband and wife could not even count it. He used to bring money and she used to keep that in a locker. I developed a lot of curiosity about that woman that how and why did that happen?

(Mumtaz Abdul-Majeed, Karachi)

Respected hakeem sahib! I want to present an extremely important incident to Ubqari. This woman was sitting on a shrine and she was begging. My tailor told me that she was a very respectable woman. She had her own house, car, servants. The servant who used to work in that house used to tell that her husband used to earn so much money that both husband and wife could not count it. The husband used to bring money and she used to put that in the locker. I developed a lot of curiosity about that that how and why did this happen? After a long time that woman was discussed and one of our women relatives told us that that in the past, that woman was very arrogant. She did not even used to reply to everyone’s greetings.

Due to this arrogance and pride, Allah held her so strongly that she lost everything; everything was destroyed. She lost her house. She became half-mad. And today she begs in front of shrines. And she is dwelling into the darkness of poverty day by day. O God! I also used to think that my God is extremely beneficent. Why did he make her so poor at once? Today I read in a book of tassawuf; when the governor of Baghdad, Abu Bakar Shibli (RA) requested the prince of sufis, Hazrat Junaid Baghdadi (RA) to add him in the ranks of sufis, hazrat Junaid Baghdadi (RA) said, would you be able to fulfill the requirements of sufism. Abu Bakar Shibli said, I am ready for that. Hazrat Junaid Baghdadi (RA) said because you were the governor of Baghdad and the pride of that governorship remains in you, till the time this pride goes away you cannot learn the knowledge of tasawwuf. And the first lesson to get rid of this pride is that you will have to beg for money in the streets of Baghdad. And then the people of Baghdad saw that Shibli begged in the streets of Baghdad. May Allah save us from polytheism, envy, arrogance, and lying. Today these malice have destroyed our whole society. These lying, backbiting, slandering, jealousy and arrogance have finished the peace of our heart. For the sake of Allah! Stay safe from these grave sins - yourself and your family too. It is mentioned in the hadith that whosoever shall have an iota of pride in his heart shall not be able to enter paradise. Today we should do our self-accountability that where are we headed to. Towards heaven or....

The Story of a Tormented Mother


Respected Hakeem sahib, Assalam-o-alaikum! I am going to present a deep pain of my life to you. One of my hyperbolic statements has shown me this bad day. Hakeem sahib when my elder son was 7 years old, I made a comparison with my brother’s son. I said very proudly and arrogantly that he will remain uneducated whereas I will make my son a commissioner. Thus, after that day I started memorizing Quran-e-shareef to my son. After the 23rd section he stopped reciting. After much effort I made him complete Quran-e-kareem. But since that day till now he has not even opened Quran-e-kareem. Neither did he pay any attention to modern education. He failed in his matriculation examination three times. Hakeem sahib, my 17 years old son’s state on insolence is such that he says that my mother has died. He uses obscene language against me. He smokes. He is a drug addict. He stays out of the house whole night. His father holds me responsible for this; even though I have never given a spare penny to my son. His every legitimate need has been fulfilled by his father. I went to a relative of mine and I found monthly Ubqari there. After that day I found peace of mind in my heart that I can write my problem in detail. Respected hakeem sahib! Just right now my son has bad mouthed me and he has gone out. And I am crying. And I am writing this letter. I am extremely depressed. I had read in you Ubqari magazine that the biggest of the wrestlers can be defeated by their children. And that children are enough for that. The words that I had said 10 years ago arrogantly still echo in my mind. And I become lost. I request all the mothers never to utter hyperbolic statements. So that like my child some other child’s life gets ruined too.

Never Underestimate Anyone

(Muhammad Asif Mehmood, Kandoyaaro)

There was a wedding within our relatives. The newly wed lady that came used to consider herself very beautiful and intelligent. To not give importance to anyone was her temperament. She used to find some fault with everyone. And such a person can never be happy. Anyway, that lady had gone to her family. The people who used to live in her neighborhood were poor. Their kids were mentally weak. But they used to walk and play normally. They were just a slightly retarded. One day those kids were playing on their roof. This woman was in the lawn of her house. She at once saw those kids. She addressed them very arrogantly and said that is there someone in your house who is normal or whether everyone is retarded? This woman only had to say this and it brought news of her destruction. Those children came down and went off. But the nature’s mechanism came into process. That woman had a daughter after a short while. She was absolutely abnormal. She could neither stand up nor could she move or walk. Today that girl is 15 years old. And she is just like that. That is why it is said that never underestimate anyone. And use your tongue thoughtfully.

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