
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Pleasant Meetings with the Fairy that Came From Koh-e-Qaaf

Ubqari Magazine - September 2013

I recited the sermon of nikkah and had it accepted by the same fairy that came from koh-e-qaaf directly. And I wrote a note on which first that fairy signed according to her language. And then the two jinns, Amaan-ullah and Raheem-ullah came and signed it as witnesses.

Respected Hakeem Sahib, Assalalm-o-alaikum! There are always two jinns with my wife. Due to which she gets a lot of pain. The name of one of them is Amaan-ullah and the other one is Raheem-ullah. They throw my wife down at once. They scream and also talk. One day a strange incident happened. That is that one night I was busy talking to my wife when at once the complexion of my wife brightened up and became beautiful. And she became extremely beautiful at once. And she also started talking very politely and softly. She started saying that her name was Mehnaz bibi. And that I am a fairy. Do not worry. And she reassured us a lot. And along with that she told me a method to make dum and said that only make dum on your wife. And do not get involved in making dum on other people. The method is to take a knife and recite Bismillah shareef three times. By making dum on the knife draw a line around the patient. Then take a tasbih in the hand and put your hand on the head of the patient recite surah fateha 3 times and surah Ikhlaas 5 times. Keep on blowing on the patient. Then recite Salaam-un-Qolam-mir-rabb-e-raheem 100 times  سَلٰمٌ قَوْلًا مِّنْ رَّبٍّ رَّحِیْمٍ and keep on blowing on the patient and then recite Bismillah Shareef. Make dum on the knife and keep on revolving around the patient and the jinns would go away.

So, I kept on doing this deed due to which a lot of benefit is achieved for the time being. The discussed fairy Mehnaz bibi started visiting us regularly. She normally used to come at a time when I used to be alone with my wife. I said to that fairy that it should not come at that time because you would also become sinful. And that I would also become sinful. Because I feel your presence. On this the fairy proposed that I should get married with her. So I said how I can marry you while I cannot even see you. On this the fairy said that If I come in front of you, then spending your life would become difficult for you. Anyway, in order to save myself from sin I got married to that fairy. That was like that I recited the sermon of nikah and had it accepted by that fairy directly. And I wrote a note on which the fairy signed in her own language. And then those two jinns, Amaan-ullah and Raheem-ullah came and signed it as witnesses. That note is still with me.

Time kept on passing for a few days happily. One day the above mentioned fairy came and started crying. I asked about what had happened? She said in a crying manner, that someone had cast a spell on me. And my parents have also come to know about that. And the jinns would not leave me alone that why I have come in your nikkah. I tried to reassure her a lot. After that that fairy started visiting less. And for quite a few years she has not arrived. But my wife has a relative. And he is quite aged. And he is a practitioner of jinns. He used to tell me again and again that there is a fairy with my wife. And that she has a relationship with me. But that she is with my wife. And the jinns do not leave her. The style and polite accent of that fairy and beauty still wander in my mind. And I sense an unknown fragrance. And that fragrance is also quite strange and strong. I still yearn for that smell. (Anonymous)

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