
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Treatment of worldly diseases with a heavenly fruit!

Ubqari Magazine - September 2013

Sour or sweet both types of pomegranate seeds are effective for the treatment of stones. Grind its seeds well and give to the patient with gram broth three times a day.

We have heard since childhood that pomegranate is a heavenly fruit; one of its diamonds like seeds is from heaven. So we should be careful while peeling, cutting and eating it so that we are able to attain this holy seed. Along with apparent beauty, this fruit is full of taste and possesses immense healing qualities. Allah has created it as a special gift after the rainy season; it means it is a cure for all the diseases of this season.

Diarrhea: Pomegranate is a special treatment for diarrhea; the patient would recover if 50ml of pomegranate juice is given to him intermittently. Pomegranate milk shake is also effective in diarrhea, if you don’t like to make milkshake then mix pomegranate juice with yogurt, add salt and black pepper instead of sugar and give it to the patient. It’s not just a medicine but a complete diet. Sauce of pomegranate bud is also given to small children three to four times a day which gives instant relief.

For stomach ache: Take almost 100gram seeds of sour or sweet pomegranate, sprinkle salt and pepper on them and eat, In Shaa Allah any kind of stomach ache would be cured. In this context, the medicine Anaareen of any authentic pharmacy is also very effective.

Dysentery: To the patient of dysentery give little bit of pomegranate juice two to three times a day or give him pomegranate to eat, In Shaa Allah he would recover.

An antidote for croton ( a purgative nut ): Pomegranate is an antidote for croton (purgative nut). If the patient is tired and exhausted due to constant diarrhea which is not stopping, give him a handful of pomegranate seeds or a sip of pomegranate juice after every ten minutes, he would get better and if blood is also coming with the motions, it would stop as well.

Jaundice: Take five tola (a weight equal to12 mashas) pomegranate juice and put a clean piece of iron in it for the whole night, in the morning take out the iron piece, add some sugar-candy and water and give to the patient daily. The patient would recover from jaundice just in Just in a few days, his liver would start producing clean blood and his complexion would become pleasantly red and beautiful.

Diarrhea (an irregular state of the bowels):Pomegranate juice is also for the treatment this disease.

Fever: Pomegranate juice is also fever-repellent.

Stomach worms: For this disease coffee made with pomegranate bark is very effective. Following is the recipe: take two tola (a weight equal to 12 mashas) pomegranate bark, hammer it well and add 16 times more water than its quantity now boil let it boil slowly on low heat. Take it off from the fire when quarter part of the water is left and stain when it gets cold, add a pinch of black salt and give to the patient. In Shaa Allah the patient would recover within one week.

To increase the appetite: There is none parallel to pomegranate for digestive health and increasing the appetite. Add this fruit in your daily diet; it will keep your stomach healthy and active, when the stomach will be fine it will keep you healthy. In summer season, drinking pomegranate juice by adding four times more water and sugar keeps the heat away from the body.

To remove the stones from kidneys and bladder: Sour or sweet both types of pomegranate seeds are effective for the treatment of stones. Grind its seeds well and give to the patient with gram broth three times a day, it dissolves the stones in kidney and bladder.

For teeth and gums diseases: If dried bark powder of pomegranate with black pepper and salt is used as dentifrice, it helps to get rid of many teeth and gum diseases. Its regular use strengthens the gums, stops bleeding and removes the risk of Peoria, the teeth shine like pearls. 


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