
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Rose, Fragrance and a Cure for Diseases

Ubqari Magazine - May 2013

M. B. Raza, Karachi

Heat of blood, increase in acidity or due to plenty of use of hot things pimples develop inside the mouth. In this circumstance, use the powder of rose with rose extract. Moreover, apply its powder in the mouth.

In Pakistan the flower of rose is so well known and loved that it is found or used in every house in one form or the other. Our youth apply it as a scent with much interest. The rose is not only used to decorate houses but it is also used to adorn gatherings. Thus, many benefits are derived from it. From the medical perspective it is used in many forms such as powders, majoons, and extract and scent.Thus, in the following a glance is given to its many benefits. This will be full of knowledge for the readers.

Brain Sores: In the sores that occur in the membranes of the brain, eating its powder and applying it’s cream is beneficial. Sleeplessness: Such patients that suffer from sleeplessness, it strengthens their brains and removes sleeplessness. Head Ache: In the summer,headaches.The use of rose in the powder form and cream form is very beneficial.

Redness of the Eyes: It is a common illness. In order to remove this, there is no better medicine than rose extract. Bad Smell of the Mouth: In the case that the mouth smells foul, gargle with the tea of rose.

Blisters of the Mouth: Heat of the blood, increase in acidity or due to plenty of use of hot things pimples develop inside the mouth. In this circumstance, use the powder of rose with rose extract. Moreover, apply its powder in the mouth.

Severity of Thirst: Acidity of the stomach, heat and gas increases the severity of thirst. In order to remove this, rose extract has a beneficial effect.

Bleeding Gums: In case of mouth or gums bleed, the tea of rose is very beneficial.

Gastric Trouble: Gases in the stomach, increase in the gas or evaporation, create anxiety and depression. In this circumstance rose powder has healing qualities.

Liver Dysfunction:Liver dysentery is such a severe illness that cannot be cured with many medicines. Only rose can be depended upon in this case.

An Unanswerable Cure for the Weakness of the Heart: In the case of weakness of the heart and faster heartbeat, use of half tablespoon of rose powder with one cup of rose extract; it is beneficial if taken twice a day.

Intestinal Disorders: Sore in the intestines, weakness of blood or biliary infection causes motions. In this case the use of rose as powder or extract is very useful.

Get rid of Body Smell: Some people are such that some visible parts of their bodies, such as armpits, thighs or feet smell badly. In order to remove this apply rose on the affected area. Increased Sweating: Any visible part of the body, for example chest or hand starts sweating and it does not stop. In this circumstance applying the powder of rose removes this problem.

Burning of the Skin: An injury that may happen due to burning of the skin by fire can be treated by mixing the powder of rose in egg white.

Wounds of Small Pox: Normally on the skins of children wounds of small pox develop which are problematic for human beauty. Treat this by mixing one tablespoon of rose powder in one cup of rose extract and applying it.

Nocturnal Ejaculation and Spermatorrhoea: In the illnesses of the young, spermatorrhoea (jiryaan) and Nocturnal Ejaculation (ehtelam), its use gives immediate benefits. Drink half a cup of rose extract daily.

Burning of Urine: In case if urine burns or you have bowel movements that have a burning feeling, use of rose is beneficial.

Constipation: Constipation that has been called as the mother of illnessescan be treated well with gulqand (a jam of rose).

Surmajaat: In various illnesses of the eye various surmas that are produced with rose extract are used which are especially beneficial for the eyes.

Facial Beauty: in order to clean the facial looks and to remove pimples from the face the following prescription that is prepared with rose is very useful: Rose Extract 10 grams, vaseline 50 grams, lemon extract 5 grams, camphor (kaafoor) 5 grams. Mix all of these together and apply on the face. Face is an evergreen flower which is attractive for everyone due to its color. Otherwise also, the companionship of rose and man is very ancient. Thus, this is the reason that mankind has used rose in various ways. But there has been no loss in this companionship so far. Rather its utility has increased day by day. In April and May, its flower observes its spring. And the cultured people use it to adorn their habituations and develop exhibitions which area matter of interest for the people. The most famous types of rose are although 4. For example, white, red, yellow and black. But where scientific progress has found new pathways in other disciplines, at the same time it has invented new types of its flowers and fruit. That is why it is difficult to chronicle new types of rose. However, due to medical effects the interest in desi rose is most profound. Domestic rose is found in abundance in the areas of Lahore and Chua Saidan Shah. 

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