
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Your Dream And Its Bright Interpretations

Ubqari Magazine - May 2013

He was a Kid of which creature?

I saw in dream that my younger aunt is visiting my home (She has four kids) and there is a younger kid with her who is doing strange things. After observing his strange actions, I thought that this kid cannot belong to Humans. I ask my mother that I cannot consider this kid a human and she agrees with me. Aunt show modest attitude and we cannot understand that whose kid is this. Then we try to kill the kid but do not succeed. There are some more people in our courtyard who say that now we cannot kill this kid and neither we will stay safe from the kid but I ask them that with the help of Allah's name, I will kill this kid. Meanwhile, the kid attacks on me in the form of a female; I close my eyes and call Allah truly from the heart, and the kid fell down and rolls on restlessly. Then all the people start beating him and leave him unconscious. I stopped them and asked the kid that can you stand up now and he replies that my legs and arms are broken now. Then he holds his head and says Alhamdulillah and dies. After his death, I ask people to recite Lahol and remember Allah than I wake up. (Zohra, Malik Waal)

Interpretation: Dreams are the reflection of one's thoughts which never have indication towards a particular direction. It seems that You are habitual of having diverse thoughts at a time. You should follow consistency towards some particular matter, you will get success. Recite Ya Salamo at maximum level.

Spoiled Matters:

I saw in dream that I am getting married to my second cousin whom I dislike due to his habits of taking drugs and there is no atmosphere of a marriage at the place. My fathers' face seems like he is forcing me for this marriage while both sisters of my father are sitting with me and I thought in heart that both of these ladies sent proposal for me then why is my father forcing me to marry some other place. Maulvi Sahab came for Nikkah and I cry loudly and say I never like this person as he is a scoundrel and alcohol addict, He throws his Sehra in anger and his mother comes with tea and a tablet saying that this tablet has to be given in anger. Meanwhile, their guests leave the place and I feel relax. My father says that his decision of planning this marriage was wrong, Then, two insects come out of a wall and I stamp them with my feet and wake up. (Javeria, Sahiwaal)

Interpretation: You have spoiled matters in your family and you should recite Ya Salamo regularly, you have a late marriage indication which is a factor of jealousy in your matters.

Pay Attention towards Studies:

I saw in dream that there are two young kids having age of around five years each and both are having a quarrel. I know that it is not good to see a fight in dream but you tell me that I had an Istekhara for some work and I should do it or not, if I do this then what kind of situation I will have to face. It is worth mentioning here that I did the Istekhara for playing tennis. (Shahid, Rawalpindi)


You should pay attention towards your studies and according to your situation, seeking education is more important for you, there are no indications of success in the field of sports right now.

I am having good time in Grave:

I saw in dream that I am at my Uncles' place; he is my step uncle. My mother has died in real but she comes there suddenly and I start crying while hugging her and she asks me not to cry. My uncle's daughter is sleeping on nearby bed. My mother attempts to wake her up but she sleeps again after yawning. Meanwhile, the daughter-in-law of my uncle comes, takes Salam from my mother and sleeps silently. Then I ask my mother that whoever dies how the deceased know that which relative visited his grave for offering Fateha. She replied that why not. When someone visits, angels note down blessings and in evening we get rewards. Then she says sometimes there is no blessing till evening. I told her that I come to offer Fateha once in a week and sometimes twice or more. She replied that I know you come and in last she says I am having good time in grave and then I woke up. (Ali Imran, Lahore)

Interpretation: Your pending matters will be resolved but try to take part in religious works and help Allah's creature for His will, do not keep expectations with your near ones. Recite Ya Rafiyo regularly.

Will get married on good place

I saw in dream that there are three stars on one side and one star on another which is bigger than the other stars and much brighter. I hear a voice requesting to ask for any star. I ask for the three star set and then the voice says give these three stars to him and the stars move on a side and then I wake up. (Muhammad Hassan Shehzad, Saudi Arabia)

Interpretation: You will get married on a good place and if you are already married then you will get blessed with a son that will give you peace of heart. Recite Ya Rafiyo regularly, also be regular at offering prayers.

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