
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.


Ubqari Magazine - April 2013

Islamic Convener HazratMaulana Muhammad KaleemSiddiqui (Phalat)                                                                                                              

“HazratMaulana is a great preacher of the Islamic World, on whose hand almost five hundred thousand non Muslims have accepted Islam. His world renowned book ‘Naseem-e-Hidayat Kay Jhonkay’ (Breeze of Restoration) is a worth reading document.”

Somebody asked him: ‘How do you offer your prayers?’ShaikhHatemAsm replied: ‘When it is time for prayers, I perform ablution with ease. Then stand at the place of prayers as if Kaaba is in front of me, my feet are on the bridge of Suraat, heaven is on my right while hell on the left and angel of death is on my head. I presume that I am offering my last prayers in front of the Lord Almighty and that I may not get a chance to offer prayers any more. With all the sincerity of my heart, I praise Almighty for his greatness. Then with profound concentration, I recite the Holy Quran, kneel down in Rukoo with piety and bow in Sajdah with humbleness. I offer the prayers with the satisfaction of hope that Almighty will bless me for this act and at the same time fear him of his punishment for my sins. After the prayers I cover my mouth with my hand so as my prayer is not thrown back on my face, wrapped in a filthy cloth.’ 

He was enquired that since when he is offering his prayers like this? He replied: ‘ By the grace of Almighty, since last thirty years.’ He was then asked as to how he has attained such a high status? ShaikhHatemAsm replied: ‘A gust of Almighty’s blessing was bestowed upon me. An old lady once wanted to meet me to pray for her. When she came to me, she released flatus. She appeared humiliated to have committed this uncontrollable act in front of a man. When she started talking, I pretended to be deaf in order to avoid her from being embarrassed. I told the lady to speak a bit louder. Hearing this she became happy presuming that Hatem is suffering from hearing loss. After telling me her need, she left. Later I realized that I am not deaf whereas I falsely acted like one. On the doomsday I might be placed amongst the group of liars for telling this lie.  Being worried, I immediately offered two rakaat prayers of forgiveness (Salaat al Tauba). I begged Almighty that I pretended to be deaf to save one of his beings from embarrassment. My Lord save me from being included amongst liars on the doomsday (Qayamah). After this prayer I permanently lost my ability to hear.’

ShaikhHatem said : ‘My act of pretending to be deaf to save the lady from humility was so much appreciated by Almighty that when I slept in the night, I was blessed to witness the Holy Prophet (May peace be upon him) in my dream.’

The Holy Prophet (May peace be upon him) said:‘OHatem, you pretended as deaf to avoid Almighty’s creation from being embarrassed. This act of yours is so liked by Almighty that today, of all those walking on earth, you are his most beloved person. To prove your word as true, Almighty has not only taken away your hearing sense, but has also decided to make you famous by the name of Asm (The Deaf).’

ShaikhHatemsaid:‘Subsequently, my prayers and whatever I have been grated is the bequest (Sadqa) of that moment.’

It is a saying of some scholar that to reach Almighty and to obtain his approval and relation, there are as many paths as is the numbers of his beings. But there is no way shorter than the one which is through serving people, sympathizing the grieved, and saving a person’s honour from humiliation. No wonder how many pages are preserved in history where on one hand pretending to be a deaf to save Almighty’s being can make one his beloved out of all the people of that time. While humiliation and insulting of an ordinary Muslim or even some other human being has put great preachers (Aulia) under severe punishments and ordeals. May we learn lesson from these historical events and be mindful for well being of the entire world as the Holy Prophet (May peace be upon him) has defined religion as: ‘Religion is nothing but piety’.

The Holy Prophet (May peace be upon him) said: ‘ In the eyes of Almighty, he who is most caring for people is the most beloved and for Allah,

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