
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

One dynamic spiritual disease

Ubqari Magazine - January 2013

One dynamic spiritual disease:

Man is a constituent of body & soul. If the body is ill, be it heart disease, canceror paralysis or any other physical ailment,then he will not feel like eating even the best food. Similarly if the soul becomes a victim of any spiritual disease like pride, lying, back biting, or jealousy, then he will not enjoy the best ofworshiping. Today the spiritual disease which we are talking about islike an atomic disease. Similar to like how an atomic war destroyseverything, this atomic illness can ruin all good deeds. A person who will have pride in his self will not enter heaven. The basic ingredient of every mass is atom and is not visible from naked eye. A person with proudness equal to a single atom will not even feel the gust of heaven. This single unit of pride will finish his life time good conducts. Like the way in which pridedestroyedsatan’s80,000 years of worshipping & bows.

The first disobedience in this world was due to ‘ANA’ which means me. I am born of fire&Adam is made from clay. He forgot where he is standing. Till Day of Judgment he will be cursed. What was the cause of his drunkenness?Off course it wasn’t the wine it was his internal ego.

Proudness is such a sin which will be punished on the day of Qayamah. God gives a taste of pride in this world. He is destroyed & ridiculed in this world. Pharaoh, Hamman&Namrood were ruined in the world. The human being who doesn’t destroy his ego in this world is crushed by Allah. And then the whole world witnesses his end.

It is in Quran that nations who forgot themselves in pride werefaced with fearsome fate. Take the example of the nation ‘Aad’. Their heights were almost60 hands tall. They dug upmountains to make enormous houses and said who is as powerful as us. Even Allah says that such a nation was not born again but they didn't accept the word of Allah and faced fearsome fate; such wind blew for eight days and seven nights which was pleasant for the believers but so severe for the disbelievers that they received gusts of wind and they fell down. They were ruined like logs of dates. Those nations which became proud were eradicated and those persons, who became proud, leave no signs behind.

One time Hazart Abu ZarGhaffari R.A. had a fight with his slave and he called him O son of black woman. During this time Prophet PBUH showed up and expressed anger. Hazart Abu Zar R.A. instantaneously lied on the ground and asked the slave to put his feet along with his shoe on his cheeks so that the malison impact may leave.

Treating the pride:

Few treatments are mentioned below for the spiritual disease; pride

Realizing your own self:

Pride closes the door to God’s blessings on the person and deprives him of heaven even if it is equal to the size of a mustard seed (atom). Human beings should think that I am born of clay. All my hearing, intelligence, strength and power; everything is temporary. My beauty has been given to me for a short time. After dying I lose everything.

 Keen eye on the end:

A person should think that I will be a dead-meat after dying. My dead body would have so much smell that people will cover their noses.  I will stay as filth in the stomach of insects and other varmints. At least animals don't have to be questioned on the Day ofJudgment. Animals will be free from accountability whereas I will be caught. Animals are far better than me; they are free from accountability today. Each particle of sky & land will cry on my abuse.

The company of chaste beings:

A proud person should think that I should be in the company of pious people. They have humbleness around them. If you sit with people who have musk, you will smell fragrance. If you will sit in iron smith’s shop, the smoke will enter your body. Ashab e Kahaf had a dog with them and just because of their companionship; he has been mentioned in the Quran and will be mentioned till the Day of Judgment.

Practical treatment:

A person who feels that germs of pride are in him, he should do such acts which are down to earth and he should do so by letting others know about it so that his ego would break. He should pick up the shoes of pious persons, even just for the sake of formality. You should clean your parent’s shoes. This is a work that is in the fate of only lucky people. He should not feel embarrassed while doing house chores. You should pick up the luggage on your head. Even if he is a leader he should arrange water for in the washroom himself. He should wash the washrooms of mosques.

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