
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Readers Voice and their proven experiences

Ubqari Magazine - December 2012

So many obstacles! (Farooq Ahmed Bahawalpur)


May Allah Almighty keep all of us in His Blessings and Protection (Amen). I would like to share some of my own experiences so that you can prevent them from happening. Many years back, when I was studying for my exams in the central library Bahawalpur, I saw a handsome guy in good dress but he seemed to be mentally retarded. I found him continuously speaking English. One of my friends revealed that the boy had topped in MA English but someone jealous of his achievements had invoked magic on him and his mental balance had been disturbed due to that.

Another friend of mine won a gold medal in Matric exams but then he was known to have left his studies. Another one was very pretty and handsome and was equally intelligent as well. When I saw him after a few years, I could hardly recognise him as he was so weak and feeble. He told me that his own wife was responsible for invoking magic unto him.

I also know a professor who had done a doctorate in English in 1964 but then because of someone’s jealousy, he fell a prey to magic and had to struggle against that for as long as 31 years. At last with the Almighty’s Grace, he got rid of that and then translated the Holy Quran into English which was later selected by the Oxford University.

Dear readers, these and millions of similar instances leave an immense grief on our minds. There are cases where a wife went to the fake exorcists and occultists over a mild argument with her husband and then asked them to do some magic over their husbands to become her obedient. Such exorcists and oculists don’t have any Islamic knowledge at all and they invoke such a satanic effects that the wives are permanently deprived of any real happiness.

Then there are parents who complain about their disobedient children but the ignorant and fake aamils do such occults and talisman that prove fatal for the children and make them even die. The grown-up children have different tastes and ambitions but their parents want to force them what they will. Ultimately they fall a prey to the wrong doers and sinful occultists and the result is that their children become a symbol of bad luck and misfortune.

Respected Hakeem Sahib, you meet thousands of such grief stricken persons every day and are very well aware of this grave situation. Please ask them not to be so cruel and reckless to their loved ones. It is quite unfortunate that most of our sub-continent fellows are enslaved by the demonic thoughts and foolish pursuits of non Islamic magicians and occultists.

Although these jealous people always lose their peace of mind. Therefore, still I request all of my readers not to think ill about others. Jealousy not only makes the hereafter very troublesome and horrible but also burns out the peace and calmness of this life and its outcome even trends through generations for long.

What made me a fan of Ubqari?

My eldest son, who is 5, once got an immense rash and it was so troublesome that he couldn’t even sleep at night. When we consulted doctor, they did nothing except to inject him with a hell of anti-allergy and antibiotic medicines which never worked. The rash resulted into sores and those sores started bleeding. We used dozens of creams and ointments but none proved to be working. Then with the Almighty’s blessing, I decided to consult Ubqari and I was lucky enough to find an article’ How to get rid of rash, Eczema and Psoriasis’

 I showed that article to my husband and prepared a cream ourselves at home. I was surprised to see that in less than 3 days, those sores became healed and my son became calm and soothed. But now the challenge was not yet over as the injections that were used in the beginning resulted into a worse attack of meningitis due to lowering of HB level in blood. We had to spend another 5-6 thousand rupees to treat that too. I request all the readers never to have a skin  disease cured by injection. Rather use the following cream

Zinc Oxide, Boric Acid, Salicyclic Acid 20 g each, Carbolic Acid 5 g ,plain Vaseline (Petroleum jelly) 200g.

Grind all the ingredients well and then mix them together and then make a paste with Vaseline. Now apply a mild quantity on the affected part. I f you apply it in the morning, then take a shower in the evening and if you apply it in the evening, then take a shower next morning. You will get cured very soon with the Grace of Allah Almighty.

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