
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

The life of Prophet Mohammad (Peace be upon him) is an ideal example for all of us

Ubqari Magazine - October 2012

 The life of Prophet Mohammad (Peace be upon him) is an ideal example for all of us.


Today’s age is an age of advancement and discipline. as the world progresses, there is a decline in morals. Every where there is selfishness.  Man has progressed so much that he has forgotten himself. Maybe man thinks that he has forgotten his Creator, but this is not the case. In fact he has forgotten himself and Allah never forgets man. Prophet Mohammad (Peace be upon him)is the only complete personality amongst all mankind. Today, man is completely wrong when he thinks that he has progressed because he has become technologically advanced. When the angel of death a[approaches him then this world will take on the form of a dream and real life will then start.

Readers! to which field you might belong to, get hold of an authentic book written on the way of life of our Prophet Mohammad (Peace be upon him)and read it and you will benefit immensely.

An incident from the life of Hazrat Ali is that a non Muslim approached Hazrat Ali and asked him, how much he worshipped Allah. Hazrat ali replied that 24 hours continuously, day and night. the non Muslim asked him whether he didn’t spend any time for normal routine like eating, drinking, sleeping etc. Hazrat Ali replied he follows in the footsteps of Prophet Mohammad (Peace be upon him)and feels that, it’s the best and ideal way to live


Sleep is one of the most important blessings of Allah. if we follow the Prophet Mohammad (Peace be upon him)way of sleeping then we would not only reap the benefits of the world, but we would also be following the sunnah which is equal to 100 martyrs. if a person sleeps on the right side, he will be safe from many kinds of diseases like Blood pressure, heart attacks, breathing problem, fright, restlessness. if you sleep completely straight. it will be difficult for you to breath properly. Similarly if you sleep on the left side pressure on the heart will increase and extra effort is required by the heart to pump in blood. This leads to breathing problem, fright and night mares.


miswak is the sunnah of Prophet Mohammad (Peace be upon him). lots of research ahs been done on miswak. Those who use miswak are safe from sensitivity of teeth, throat diseases, tonsil, acidity and stomach problems. Dryness of intestine, problems related to nose and ears. Tooth paste is an artificial product and tooth brush can be a home to germs. using a tooth brush removes natural shines of the teeth and produces a  gap between teeth which result in above mentioned problems.


Ablution has many benefits. Those who are always with ablutions are saved from a number of diseases. Ablution is the only alternative for those who are suffering from blood pressure.


Drinking water:

Drinking water is a very small thing. If you drink water as per the way of Prophet Mohammad (Peace be upon him), you can benefit a lot. Those who drink water while standing, their stomach gets upset, weakness in urinary track. Before drinking water say Bismillah, sit, observe the water and drink in three gulps. And after drinking say Alhamdullillah

Eating food:

Eating while moving from one place to another is like the habit of an animal. Those who eat food while standing is against the sunnah of holy Prophet Mohammad (Peace be upon him)and is  an invitation to all kinds of diseases. Some even eat food without washing their hands. This results in food poisoning. Always eat food while sitting at the “dastarkhaan”. The way to eat food is, fold your left leg under you, keep your right leg upright, recite the dua for food, and start. In the beginning, drink as much water as you can. Do not drink water in the midst.

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