
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Those suffering from stomach problems and Ulcer should read this

Ubqari Magazine - October 2012

Fast Food and overeating and to top it all, those spices that are supposed to be used in winter are being used in summer, example coriander leaves or coriander seeds, white cumin seeds, turmeric, plum; these spices should be used in summer that is used in curries and cooking. It is a sorry state of affair that the spices to be used in winter are continuously being used in summer. Then how can we get good results? Every other person is a victim of stomach and liver diseases; complains about heart diseases. Until and unless we change our eating habits we cannot live healthy lives. We will be taking medicines throughout our lives. One reputed heart specialist confided in me that those who come to me complaining of heart problems are in reality suffering from acute stomach problem. Those have been the result of spicy and fast food. The problem associated with the stomach has an effect on the heart also, and medication and diet should be for the stomach only, but nobody thinks along this line. Gradually our heart deteriorates day by day and ultimately, we survive only on medicines. When ulcer, acidity and indigestion develop in the beginning, then we are faced with different kinds of illness; sometimes heart diseases, uric acid, cholesterol, and rheumatism; joint pains, weakness, palpitation, mental depression, muscle weakness. Behind all this is the stomach only. Instead of controlling our diet and food habits we immediately turn to medicines. And those medicines that are very strong.

Pakistan is the main market of multinational pharmaceutical companies that fund ready customers for any kind of medicines. The local sellers need bribe, Air conditioners, fridges, school fees for the children, credit for mobiles, foreign country trips, five or seven star hotel food, umrah trips- if these things are available, then the worst medicine is also sold in the market.

Readers! Improve your health through your eating habits, I am going to tell you something that will change your life and will satisfy you the most. You will start realizing the wonders of natural cures; and medication advised by our beloved Prophet Muhammad Sallalahu Alahi wassalam. I got this gift during my trip. Then I passed it on numerable persons. Who ever received it, utilized it, this is very use full for the following diseases; if it is believed in and used for some days, some weeks, and some month regularly. I have never witnessed the failure of this medicine

Chronic patients of stomach and ulcer who have become tired of taking medicines – stomach is deteriorating every day. And the intake of medicines is on the increase. I made such chronic patients use this medicine who had become exhausted from hospitals and costly tests. By the grace of Allah Almighty, the results were wonderful after the use of medicines for a particular period.

  • Who are always restless, has weakness in the muscles, I prescribed this medicines for those. They benefited a lot.
  • Cholesterol, urea, uric acid, joint pains, swelling in the ankles and knees. This medicines is very beneficial for those people who are victims of constipation and piles, they should use this medicine.
  • If you are suffering from anemia, want fairness and freshness, do use this medicine.


  • Onion Seeds (Kalonji)- 50 grams
  • Ispaghula husk- 50 grams
  • Honey- 100 grams

Method: Grind onion seeds and ispaghula husk and mix them with honey. Store the mixture in the bottle. Can be taken One spoon after every meal. If required take empty stomach. It is very useful for adults and children.

 One person suffering from chronic ulcer came to me for treatment along with his bundles of reports. He has been living in UK for the past 23 years and had now come to Pakistan. This gentle man did not have any faith on Pakistani doctors or their treatments. Some referred him to me; he came to me and spoke about his problem. I advised him to change his eating habits and also prescribed my medicines to him. What is surprising is that he followed my instructions meticulously and within three weeks he was completely cured of his ulcer and is now progressing towards a healthy living.

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