
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

The habits & practices of our pious elders in Ramadan

Ubqari Magazine - April 2021


The habits & practices of our pious elders in Ramadan:

(Muhammad Zubair Ajmal, Karachi)


Ramzan spent as if there is no relationship with anyone


Respected Mr. Hakeem Assalam o Alikum Allah Almighty has showered us with innumerable gifts because of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, amongst these, one blessing is Ramzan. Because our ages are so short He bestowed upon us acts of worship which have the greatest possible rewards. Ramadan is the month of the revelation of Quran; it has within it Lail A Tul Qadar (the night of power), it also has Taraweeh Salat as well as Aitkaaf (worshiping in isolation). Also the reward of a Nafl prayer in Ramadan is equivalent to the reward of 70 obligatory prayers. The mercy of the beneficent Lord is at its peak. Our pious elders used to earnestly wait for this month and when it arrived they’d live a life of isolation  as if they had no relation with anyone. They would spend the entire month in worship.


If you want to know the real worth of Ramadan then learn from the elders


Our pious elders used to truly value Ramzan. They would be seen busy following the tradition of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ because he ﷺ would wait for this month the entire year. Whenever the moon of Rajab (Islamic month) was sighted he used to pray to his Lord (Allah) to get to the month of Ramzan and as soon as Ramzan arrived he used to increase his  ﷺ worship of Allah to the limit.


Mutual congratulation would start as soon as Ramadan entered:


Allam Ibn e Rajab Junbali (R.A) narrated that: When Ramadan would arrive the companions of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ would congratulate each other. However we spend the entire month oblivious to its value & accomplish nothing. A man of God, Hakeem ul Ummah (R.A) says that less food should be consumed in this month, so that we are given greater opportunity for worship, one should also speak less so as to truly appreciate the value of this month, one should increase the remembrance of Allah & sleep less. Spend more time in worship so as to reap the most benefit from the blessings, barkat and favors of the Cherisher & Sustainer Allah.


Sending Darood upon the Prophet & Ramadan:


Hence, if Allah gives you the ability, take advantage of this blessing in the special hours of Ramzan and recite Kalimah Taybah 2500 times a day. In 28 days when you get to 70,000 pray to Allah saying: O my Lord, I have read this Kalimah by your leave, in exchange for each & every letter please shower Prophet Muhammad ﷺ with darood & peace, and when I die & appear before the Prophet ﷺ bless me with its reward according to your greatness, Amen.

After completing this first set of 70K, you can complete as many sets as possible & gift the reward to your parents, teachers, relatives & the entire muslim ummah. Include all of humanity in your prayers. Note: you can gift the reward to anyone who is alive as well - they do not have to be deceased to receive it.


Sunnah of the Prophet : seeking Allah’s forgiveness


The second thing you have to do is repent (ask for forgiveness from ALLAH), you can recite any Astaghfar. It is mentioned in the books of Hadith that the Prophet ﷺ  himself used to repent 70 -100 times a day even though he ﷺ was free from any kind of sin and the angels could perform abolition with his wrung clothes. he ﷺ was the most innocent person but still he ﷺ used to repent.


The mercy of the Merciful is at its peak at Suhoor


Readers! Recite astaghfar as much as possible in Ramzan especially at the time of Suhoor, pray with focus & tears and ask for forgiveness. The merciful Lord will forgive everyone.


Tried & teased practice of our elders for the success & forgiveness of our future generations


Pray most earnestly to Allah at the time of Suhoor (morning meal) & Iftar (evening meal). Prayers are accepted at these times, this was the practice of our pious elders. One Hadith of the Prophet  صلى الله عليه وسلم states that the person who asks Allah for paradise 3 times a day and asks Allah for protection from hell 3 times a day, is granted paradise and is saved from hell. Other than this our elders used to recite the Quran a lot in Ramzan, especially at the time of Suhoor and Iftar because these are special times for the acceptance of prayers and Allah blesses the one who is reciting the Quran even more so than the one who is praying. Because women are busy doing chores they should continue recitation verbally, esp that of Surah Ikhlas. In addition, recite Darood in abundance The Holy Prophet said ﷺ that: Allah Almighty sends blessings 10 times upon the person who sends Darood upon me once. For the success & salvation of your future generations a single blessing from Allah is sufficient so what can be said about when you are getting 10 blessings! So recite Darood in abundance. Besides the Prophet ﷺ has bestowed countless favours upon us so we should be reciting as much Darood as possible for him anyway. May Allah Almighty make us one of those who follow in the footsteps of our elders and those who give thanks and show gratitude to Allah and may He bestow countless blessings upon our pious elders. Shaykh Al Hadith Hazrat Molana Muhammad Zikaraya (R.A) writes in FAZAIL E AMAAL that Shaykh Abuyazeed (R.A) Qurtubi was a saint and he said that: I have heard a Hadith which says: whoever recites Kalima Tayba 70,000 times is forgiven. So, he recited many sets of 70,000 and accumulated a fortune for the hereafter and gifted one set to his late wife as well. There was a young man in his neighbourhood who had the gift of the third sight. Once he came to his home as a guest when suddenly he screamed saying: “my late mother is being punished in the grave”. Hence, in his heart, the saint quietly gifted one set (of 70,000) of the Kalima to this gentlemans late mother. The young man suddenly became happy and said Allhumdulillah (All praise & thanks is to Allah) my mother has been forgiven. Shaykh Abuyazeed (R.A) narrates that as a result of this incident it removed the suspicion that I had about the authenticity of that hadith and secondly I also came to believe the young man's claim of the third sight.


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