
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Dreams and their Interpretation:

Ubqari Magazine - January 2021


Hindrance and hurdles

I saw I was in the classroom and attempting the matriculation exam. My brain is quite numb. I don't know anything. I get help from another guy. He helps me. Then, he gets way further in the completion of the exam as compared to me. He says to me that hurry-up time is very short. But I was unable to write. Time runs out and my paper remains incomplete. Then I get help from another friend but he doesn't help me. Then my eye opened.
Interpretation: According to your dream it is pointing that hurdles are created in your work because of the closures. Give alms as soon as you can. Also, while praying five times a day, recite ‘Ya Raqeeb’ (يا رقيب) 100 times after every Salah, and pray for the end of hindrances in your work.
Dirty places and darkness

My aunts often see dirty places and darkness in their dreams, sometimes an ugly man pursues tenaciously, sometimes a strange-looking woman pursues her. Sometimes It happens that she can't turn on the light. Sometimes she is wandering in confusion and never finds her way.
(Abida, Peshawar)
Interpretation: According to the dream of your aunt, there is a problem of closure with her. Due to this, all her works are facing obstacles and every important work is left incomplete. Your aunt must recite ‘Ya Fattahu’
یَا فَتَّا حُ while walking sitting. Do this until all their important work is completed, sometimes give charity according to their ability.
People with scary masks

I saw a lot of men walking around in a big place disguised, sometimes they put scary masks on their faces, sometimes they cover their faces and then they gathered in one place in the form of skeletons and put candles on their heads And then a man comes and snatches their lantern. Before this people put something in the sugarcane juice extracting machine, then something yellow starts appearing on it, like trying to break the machine. They are doing it as if I am scared by magic then my eye was opened (D, Lahore)
Interpretation: This indicates that some people are trying to harm you by becoming your benefactor, but they will not succeed in their intentions. Recite “Ma’awaztain” Surah Falaq and Surah Naas 11 times after every Salah and pray for protection.

Sign of the end of oppression
I saw a woman standing in front of Granny's house with her son standing a short distance away. She asked me to give her our TV. But I refuse then she says sometimes I am still on the beach and sometimes it looks like a town. I stand on the terrace of the second floor. The big brown dog passes by and goes to another house and climbs on the canopy of pigeons. At that time a white wolf comes to this dog. He kills the dog. I tell her that you are crying as if you are about to die then I see that I am wearing a big white sheet in which my head and whole body are hidden. As soon as I see this dog, I get scared and I can't move from my place. There were pigeons on the wooden roof and they become some other creatures and caught the dog. (N, K, Mansehra)
Interpretation: According to your sister's dream Insha'Allah these oppressors and transgressors will soon be defeated because nature’s law of recompense of deeds certainly manifests and the end of those who do oppression and mischief in the guise of being pure and religious is dreadful. You and your family recite ‘Ya, Hafeezu’ یا حفیظ. After every Salah, recite it 41 times and make Du'aa. And Allah knows the best.

Creature of another world
I saw that I am buying a watch and then saw that I am om on my bed and the loud wind sound is heard. The wind was so strong that it removes my blanket again and again. I cover the blanket again and turn on the right side and cover the blanket. The air comes with sound through the hole in the blanket. Again, I cover the blanket. Then the air comes in more strongly with the blue light. Then the blanket is shaking. A woman was seen sitting on my foot side. She does not look like belonging to this world. There is something like a black billy lying on my bed on the other side of my feet. I said to that woman what is this? Take it away from me, then it clears away the hoofs of that he-goat. Then the women make me drink water by touching her lips with my lips. Then my eyes opened (S, Lahore)
Interpretation: It is a sign that you will get divine help. Those who are evildoers and cause harm to you will be averted and you will attain the religious knowledge.

Bad effects in the home
I see strange things in my dreams. For example, sometimes I see snakes roaming around the house. Sometimes I see lizards and sometimes I see myself drowning in deep water. My mother has the same problem. (M, T, Faisalabad)
Interpretation: there is an issue of bad effects in your home. Due to this, all the family members are in trouble. However, according to status, should give some charity on behalf of family members and recite Surah Baqrah in low voice after Asar Salah for once, till 40 days without the gap.
Interpretation: According to your sister's dream Insha'Allah these oppressors and transgressors will soon be defeated because nature’s law of recompense of deeds certainly manifests and the end of those who do oppression and mischief in the guise of being pure and religious is dreadful. You and your family recite ‘Ya, Hafeezu’ یا حفیظ. After every Salah, recite it 41 times and make Du'aa. And Allah knows the best.

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