
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Easy to whiten whole body naturally.

Ubqari Magazine - November 2020


Chest pain in winter: Take 1g of Loban and wax each. Heat till they become soft, then make balls of pulse size. Eat 1 ball with water in the morning.

Easy to whiten whole body naturally.

Dear Hakeem Sahib, I am 18 years old, I have a problem, I hope you will tell me the solution, my color is black, there are spots, spots and shadows on my face, etc. The face is dull, the body is dry. Tell me an easy natural way to whiten both the face and the body. Please tell me what I can eat. I am very worried. Please tell me the solution to this problem. I will be much thankful to you. (Anonymous, Pakpatan)

Answer: Melon seeds Stone fennel and barley flour we weigh these four things. Coat them and sift them. In the morning, in the evening, rub on face, neck, shoulders, arms and hands and remove it half an hour later. Do this for 21 days. White color will be resolved. If the color of the face has turned black due to the disease, then it will also be fine.


To brighten skin: Soak a pound of channay lentils in half a kilo of raw cow's milk. By morning, the milk will be absorbed. Now dry the lentils and dry them well for two days and grind them into fine powder, by soaking little water in the powder apply it daily at night. When the sole of the open is dry, rub it off and in a few days the color will look clear and pink. Do use Ubqari magazine (Khoon shifa) with written precautions. Women who want their babies to be white-skinned should eat raw coconut mixed with misri daily in the morning. If fresh coconut is not available, soak white copra from Grocery store and soak it in water at night and use it in the morning.


My mother has sugar and constipation

Dear Hakeem Sahib, peace be upon you, my mother has diabetes, which has been for three years, but thanks to the blessings of deeds, she is healthy in her old age and sometimes there is a problem, but soon she recovers, but for some time now, my mother has had constipation. A problem that makes her anxious

But it never leaves behind.

Answer:  Give your mother these Ubqari medicine cure sugar and constipation pills consistently for some time according to the prescribed order. Inshallah, her status will go away in a short time without any complaints.


Half of kidneys are not working

Dear Hakeem Sahib, I am 35 years old. About seven years ago, I found out that both my kidneys have died. I am being treated at the Kidney Center Karachi. Only high blood pressure medicines are being used. Doctors have said if my blood pressure remains normal I won’t be having any issues but if it doesn't gets normal I have to go through Dialysis. I have high blood pressure and my heart rate is declining

Answer: Take one kilo of klonji, clean it, put water in it and then when it is full of clean water, add one kilo and soak it all night, in the morning and put it on low heat. When the water starts to boil, let the water boil for an hour. The cloves will turn red. Then separate with clothe. In the morning, pour two glasses of klonji in water and drink it add honey for taste. Inshallah, in a few days you will see improvement in your health.


Proven medical and spiritual treatment for epilepsy

Dear Hakeem Sahib, I have been sick for the last one year. I have small children, I am worried about them I have epilepsy.

Answer:  Yes, use Ubqari medicine for epilepsy, hormone cleanser, and seventy heals, use spiritual medicine, use it according to the order, and also use Ubqari pharmacy healing medicine for all head and shoulder pain. Spiritual amal /when a patient has an epileptic seizure, recite the words of the call to prayer once in his right ear and the words of iqamah once in his other ear. Doing this seven times will end the disease, in sha Allah.


Hands and feet shiver and seizures.

Dear Hakeem Sahib, I am 32 years old. My hands and feet shivers and I have seizures. I have been undergoing treatment for fourteen or fifteen years. No doctor, I have left. I didn't find benefits from anywhere. If I speak, I cut my tongue. I have no control over my body and I fall down.  Even sitting on the bed, my condition has deteriorated so much that I can’t even eat.

Answer:  Use the healing potion prepared by Ubqari Pharmacy for some time in a consistently written order. In addition, massage the body according to the written order of miraculous oil prepared by Ubqari Pharmacy. While Get up, sitting down, walking all day, recite يا قوي. Even before eating recite it on the food and eat it.



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