
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Rabi ul Awwal! Special Deed! Whatever you ask will be granted!

Ubqari Magazine - Monthly Ubqari Magazine October 2020


The following deeds are tried and copied by the respectable elders and the righteous. The purpose of publishing these is to make the creation of Allah not to anything with the Tasbeeh and Prayer mat that is against the Sharia Law. Rather to connect them through Nawafil and Tasbeehat. 


Rabi-ul-Awal is the third month of the Islamic year. It is a blessed month of the highest blessings and virtue. Prophet Muhammad ﷺ was born in this very blessed month.




The first night:

Whoever performs two rak'ats of prayers at night and two rak'ats of prayers during the day on the first day in such a way that he recites Surah Ikhlas 7 times after Surah Al-Fatihah in each rak'at so he will be rewarded for a 700 years’ worth of worship by Allah almighty.


To see the Prophet ﷺ:

Whoever offers 16 rakats after Isha prayers on the first night of Rabi-ul-Awwal in the units of 2, and recites in such a way that he recites surah ikhlas 3 times afer surah fatiha in each rakah, when he is done offering all nawafil then he should recite duroon sharif a 1000 times, facing the qiblah, with utmost attention and single-mindedness. (اللھم صل علی محمد نالنبی الامی و رحمتہ اللہ و برکاتہ) After reciting, he should go to sleep in a state of ablution without taking to anyone. InshAllah he will be blessed with the sight of the beloved prophet ﷺ.


2nd night:

On the second night of Rabi ul Awwal, perform two rak'ats of Nafl prayers after Maghrib prayers in such a way that in each rak'at, recite Surah Al-Fatiha followed by surah ikhlas 3 times. And after getting done with the prayers recite 11 times this Durood Sharif. (اللھم صل علی محمد و علی ال محمد و بارک وسلم برحمتک یا ارحم الراحمین) And pray to Allah Almighty for whatever true need or purpose, inshaAllah the prayer will be answered.


3rd night:

On the third night, after Isha prayers, four rak'ats of Nafl prayers should be offered in such a way that in each rak'at, after Surah Al-Fatihah, recite Al-Kursi once. And followed by 3 times surah yaseen and surah taa haa. After salam, send reward of these Nawafil in the service of Hazrat Muhammad SAW and by grace of Allah almighty all your worldly and religious prayers will be accepted. 


12 Rabi-ul-Awal’s nawafil:

According to some traditions, the Prophet (ﷺ) was born happily on that day. On this day, two rak'ats of prayers are recommended, in the first rak'at recite surah Al Fatiha followed by surah Kafiroon 3 times and in 2nd rakat recite surah fatiha followed by surah ikhlas 3 times. This is the time when the Messenger of Allah, May Allah bless him and grant him peace, migrated to Madinah. Other than that, on 12 Rabi-ul-Awwal, after the Zuhr prayers, perform twenty rak'ats of Nafl prayers in units of two and pray every 2 rakats in such a way that after Surah Fatiha recite surah ikhlas 21 times in. After the prayers, offer the reward as a gift to the Prophet (ﷺ). The saints have maintained the Nawafil in their habits. Those who persistently offer these nawafil, by Allah almighty’s grace he sees Prophet Mohammad ﷺ, and Allah grants him jannat al firdous. And is blessed with the intercession of the Holy Prophet ﷺ.


21st rabi ul awwal. 

Whoever prays two rakats of prayers on the night of 21 Rabi-ul-Awwal in such a way that he recites Surah Al muzamil once after surah fatiha. Immediately after that he prostrates and recites this dua with utmost attention and sincerity. (Arabic Text) and after that ask for whatever he wants. Insha’Allah, Allah will accept it.


My grandmother's wazifa! Make your children obedient! 

Respected Hakeem Sahib, peace be upon you, may Allah keep you happy forever. Amen. A close relative of mine had given me this wazifa that her grandmother did this wazifa in childhppd and her children are very virtuous. The whole village gives the example of their children. One of her son is in England, Mashaallah he is the Imam of a mosque. Wazifa is this: in the prayers before saying salaam offer this:


(رب انی ظلمت نفسی ظلما کثیرا و لا یغفر الذنوب الا انت فاغفرلی مغفرۃ من عندک و ارحمنی انک انت الغفور الرحیم۔ ربنا ھب لنا من ازوجنا و ذریتنا قرۃ اعین و اجعلنا للمتقین اماما)


Whoever recites this, his offspring will be virtuous and Allah will keep his offspring away from all evils, Insha’Allah. Alhamdulillah I have been doing this for two years and my children are very virtuous. If this prayer recited by a virgin girl, then Allah Almighty will give her a husband who honors and values her. And I give this dua to everyone one, whoever prays this, benefits from it.


Monthly spiritual gathering!


Spiritual gathering is not held at the center of spirituality collectively; everybody should perform at their own place.

This month’s spiritual gathering, 9th October on Friday from asr till maghrib, 20th October on Tuesday, from 10 am till 11:27 am. 31st October on Saturday, from 9 pm till 10:21pm. Recite (﷽). Do this zikr by being like a beggar, from the sincerity of your heart, pain of your heart, attention and with this belief that my Allah is listening to my prayer. And is accepting it 100%. Place a glass of water in front of you and recite with this imagination that a dim yellow light is pouring on your heart like rain drops. And your heart is getting at ease and peace. And your problems re getting solved instantly. After the time is up, make prayer with utmost sincerity and all your heart for the ummah, the whole muslim nation, and the belief of all non-muslims, peace of the whole world and for yourself and your close ones. Make prayer with firm and complete belief. It is on Allah to accept all valid duas. After dua, blow on water 3 times and drink it. You can also make you family drink it. Insha’Allah all your valid prayers will surely be accepted.


After every gathering, make sure to give 11 rupees a charity

Note 1: if prayer time comes in between the gathering, then prayer should be offered first and the remaining time should be made up to, after the prayer.

If you want to do it right now, so permission is granted. If you want to do it continuously, you can do make it routine as well. Every month’s chant is different and is according to a specific time. Countless peoples’ wishes have been fulfilled. Impossible was made possible. Then people wrote letters on the fulfillment of their wishes. You also write letter when your wishes get fulfilled.

Editor: Hakeem Mohammed Tariq Mahmood عفا اللہ عنہ


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