
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Complete restful sleep and healthy lifestyle

Ubqari Magazine - Monthly Ubqari Magazine October 2020


Seeking for peace! Come here!


Depression is a common disease in today's mechanical life because our mourners get tired of fighting everyday problems and sometimes we get anxious in search of peace. The man who seeks for peace becomes more anxious. Today's Diseases See High Blood Pressure Disorders Heart down Stomach Diseases These are Gift Of this era. Joan Collin gives an example of an incident in his life. There was a time when my mother got tired of fighting with daily worries, so the traces of it appeared on my skin in such a way that it was big on my face and neck. When we showed it to the doctor, he told us that it was the result of a rupture of the torment. But at the age of thirty to forty, we feel the disease that it started long ago. The medicine prescribed by the doctor has an effect in a few days, but it cannot be taken out of it. But what we can't get out of is our greatest physician. Just like when we keep oiling our machine to perform properly, in the same way, timely treatment and diet also gives us a better and healthier life. However, it is up to you to identify your problems and adopt a lifestyle that will calm you down for the rest of your life, not just temporarily. And keep healthy. First of all, try to find out when anxiety and helplessness develop in your body. You need peace or something else.


Complete restful sleep and the priceless gift of nature

Make it a habit once a day to sit on a chair in the same chair. Exhale on his back. Leave the legs daily. Do not exhale through the nose. Exhale through the mouth. Keep your concentration on breath... Di it for 10 minutes. Gradually you will find yourself feeling relaxed in this way but the solution to the problem is not to go to bed and sleep with your eyes open. This is how sleep will come to the fore. The slightest arrival of someone else in the room opens your eyes. Even if you want to sleep, you can't sleep. Complete and restful sleep is the most important subject of pain. You must listen for at least seven or eight hours. Make sure the hour is beautiful and women seem to say that they get a good night's sleep


Don't force yourself to sleep.

With age, a person's sleep decreases, so there is no need to worry. Sleep is good for health anyway. But sometimes you fall asleep while lying down and sometimes you do not fall asleep if you keep changing your crotch. This is a natural process, so do not force yourself to tell. If you can't sleep, it is normal, get up to study or take a bath with hot water.


Exercise reduces stress

Exercise is very important for a healthy body. It keeps a person fit as long as they exercise. One of the benefits of exercise is that if you are obese you can lose weight or you can stay as it was as you like.


Healthy eating relieves depression

As much as you feel stressed, a healthy diet can alleviate your anxiety. They say eat breakfast like a king, eat lunch like rich man, eat dinner like a poor man. Nowadays, it is customary to drink only tea and coffee. It spoils your inner system. Get up early in the morning and have breakfast in a calm atmosphere. This way the whole day will be pleasant because breakfast is an important thing. Breakfast and dinner are especially important for health and breakfast is an important need of your body. At breakfast, egg and toast Orange Juice Cheese is the best food. Use brown sugar instead of sugar. Avoid fried foods and meat and oily foods and those that are not heard from shops but drink homemade juice coffee and harm to health. Use it sparingly. Avoid drugs that are said to be beneficial for Nervous weakness.


Trust yourself be calm

Self-confidence is very important to keep life calm. Never let yourself down because of your body shape and lack of wealth. This is a big habit that is the enemy of your health. Man can persuade himself if he wants to by trusting himself. It is your job to discover what that is and to bring it about. 


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