
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Difficulties Removed After Coming to the Sermon! What Is The Reason?

Ubqari Magazine - January 2020

Redemption from Ulcer: While suffering from the illness of ulcer, taking a piece of clove and chewing it with water is extremely beneficial. Do it for a while continuously.

Excerpt from the Weekly Sermon

A Sermon of Peace and Spirituality

Sheikhul-Wazaaif, Hazrat Hakeem Muhammad Tariq Mehmood Majzoobi Chughtai

Difficulty of Sustenance or Any Worry, Perform This Deed!

My Hazrat Syed Khawaja Abdullah Hajveri (رحمتہ اللہ علیہ) gave me a deed that I should recite it on a pouch made of cloth for keeping money. The people who come to me, who have a difficulty of sustenance, or any other worry and if they are asked to take this pouch and put money in it and take it considering sunnah.

Hazrat Abu Huraira (رضی اللہ عنہ) had a pouch, he used to keep seeds in it. He had a tasbih as well. And it is found in the lives of the companions of Hazrat Muhammad (ﷺ) that he used to have such a pouch in which they used to keep Dirhams and Dinars and money. You should also get such a pouch stitched. Keep your money in it. And if you want more effect then once in the morning and once in the evening or once a day recite Surah Kausar 129 times and make dum on it. 

Keep Allah in the Heart and in the Mind

Make a promise with yourself that you will keep Allah Almighty in your heart and the mind. The emotions that arise from within, the thoughts that arise from within, the desires and wishes that arise from within, make them subservient to the wishes of Allah Almighty. And consider that you have given these “two utensils” to Allah Almighty. If you make them subservient to Allah Almighty and His Prophet (ﷺ) then these “two utensils” are His. And if you have not made them subservient then there is something deficient. This is true and if they so. Just as if I told you the first story that one person was illiterate. He used to come to Hazrat sahib (رحمتہ اللہ علیہ). Sheikh would call the old man a pig in anger. That baba jee started saying that initially I could not understand that why did he used to call me a pig. Then I understood that he was right in saying that. If he called someone blind, it was true. If he called someone mad, he was right. The person who does not obey Allah or His Prophet (ﷺ), he is definitely mad. The reality is that if someone considers his body ill, and he is told a cure about that, he becomes happy that the diagnosis was easy. But they did not consider themselves a victim of a spiritual illness. If someone or the Sheikh told about the illness, they became unhappy. No! If the spiritual illness is diagnosed then one should not become angry. Rather it should be said that Oho! If this illness went in my grave with me, then what will happen! And he will think who will have firm belief in death, concentration towards Allah, and will have the introduction of reconciling with Allah Almighty and would have His introduction.

Make You Heart Habitual of Allah’s Love

 Achieve the bliss of Allah’s name. Learn how to drench yourself in the name of Allah. Make your heart habitual of the love of Allah. Make your thoughts habitual of the introduction and proximity of Allah. When you will do that, you will have your eyes focused on your offspring as well. You shall have pity. Then you will focus on the afterlife as well, and you will have pity as well. Today neither people have pity on the infidel, nor on the offspring, there is a pity about the bread of the offspring, there is pity about its starvations. There is no pity about the Day of Judgment, the call of the hell where for 70,000 years the person living in hell would keep on calling, the angels themselves would have no pity. Allah Almighty shall make the angels of hell to be deaf. They will not listen to the voice. And they will be made merciless. If we have pain for the offspring in our heart. And then of the pain of the whole world comes in our heart. Then consider that the world of hour heart has changed. A pain or sorrow has touched his heart. A worry has crossed his mind; if this has not happened then his heart has not changed.

The land changed, times changed, the owner changed, the house changed

Neither had you changed, nor I changed, then if something changed, what was that?

So the benefit of the deeds, the introduction of Allah Almighty, has your heart hear these. This is the crux of my sayings. We would pray to Allah that the benefit of deeds and the connection of the heart, the introduction of the heart, what path should I choose to reach you?  Pray to Allah Almighty. Many people among you say that we come to the sermon on Thursday and participate in the prayers. By coming to the sermon, our difficulties are solved. What is the reason for this? The reason is the name of Allah Almighty that is recited. The reason is the introduction of Allah Almighty. That has come to the tongues now. Please understand completely, the remembrance of Allah has only come to our tongues right now? And the words of the tongue go into the heart. If a person does not consider news of a newspaper or media as truthful, then we say that this is the news of BBC London. By listening to the word BBC, they accept it as true. Even though we have never visited BBC. But by listening and saying this belief engulfed in our heart that if this news has been published by BBC then it will be true. We have developed belief by listening right? We have never seen where their office is. What is their whole system? We have not seen anything. So these gatherings about saying, seeing, listening that Allah Almighty has given us, please do not be deprived of them. (Continued)

In Order to Obtain Wonderful Wazaaif and Secrets of Wilaayat, Read Sermons of Ubqari 

Wrote Bismillah 625 Times and Became an Owner of a House

Respected Hazrat Hakeem sb, Assalam-o-alaikum!  I am reading the Ubqari magazine for the past three years. I listen to the sermon every Thursday. Two years ago I used to live in a rented house. What is the pain of changing the house after every six months, and while seeing the breaking luggage how does the heart break. Only a tenant can understand my pain. An announcement was made in the Tasbih Khana to write the amulet of Bismillah 625 times. And my husband made the intention of a house and wrote the amulet in the house. He applied fragrance on it and participated in the sermon. After the sermon Sheikh ul Wazaaif said the prayers after the recitation of the zikr of Ism-e-Azam. Then I put this amulet in my hand and prayed to Allah while crying and put this amulet in my wallet. I used to take it out every day and I used to kiss it. I used to pray to God after every prayer, and I used to keep this amulet in my hand. All praise be to Allah, only after the hardships of 18 months, we found our own house. The lord prepared such hidden means that tears gulp out of my eyes when I think about this. We pray for Sheikh-ul-Wazaaif immnesely. (Ahliyya Shahzad, Lahore)

Write [بسم اللہ الرحمن الرحیم] on a page with a black pen. On 16th January 2020, Thursday, a special deed shall be performed in Tasbih Khana Lahore. You can bring the amulet by writing it from home as well.

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