
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Born Friend of Jinnat, Allama Lahuti Pur Asaraari

Ubqari Magazine - December 2019

For relief from incurable diseases: By reciting Surah Quresh 11 times after Isha prayer, one gets relief from painful diseases like kidney pain, paralysis, diabetes and pile.

When extreme magic was done on Abdus Salam Jin

Abdus Salam Jin was known to me since quite some time, I always found Abdus Salam Jin to be good and pious. I found Abdus Salam Jin to be the one doing love, spreading love and affection, forgiving, but today, I was surprised and worried as extreme magic had been done on Abdus Salam Jin, some circumstances were narrated by me in the previous pages which were amazing for you, now I will tell you about the effects of the magic upon the life of Abdus Salam Jin? What worries, failures, difficulties, problems and irritants occurred in his life, as per Abdus Salam, first of all, it effected the health of my family, every person of my household is sick, is facing pain, sorrows, worries and irritants, some extreme pains are such that I have become worried myself,  did a lot of medical treatment, but this treatment was of no benefit, did a lot of treatment and spend money, wealth, but, there was no benefit, all the time mind was upset, depression, all the time was feeling low, next loss was that financial crises started, it so felt as if Barakat (blessings) had turned away from my house and peace had left my house and the world of harmony, blessings had totally ended from my life and feelings.


Even if I wanted to do something, could not do it

Even if I wanted to do something, still could not do it, I wanted to think but could not think, mind was blocked, disabled and tense and temperament and thoughts were tense, would get angry at everything, irritable and afterwards feeling regret upon it, that why it so happened? It should not have been like this, firstly I did not realize what was happening with me but afterwards I could feel it with more clarity that something has been done, so much so one night I saw it in a dream at such time when I slept after doing my zikr, recitations and routine pious acts, I saw a strange world in my dream, I saw that there is an inhabited Jungle and I am walking in it, while walking in this jungle, I felt that there is a tree and its trunk is very big, I went close to this trunk and I felt that there is a door, suddenly the door opened up and I went inside. After going inside I felt that it is quite long but totally dark and stairs are going down in this dark place, slowly by touching each step I start going down but still it did not end, still I went on going down, there was an effort, search, a desire inside and I went on crossing the steps which was the desire, effort and need to find, after going ahead, I felt that suddenly at one place there is some cold breeze, what was this cold breeze I did not know but, felt that my journey has not ended, my stairs are long and continuously I am going down these stairs.


Now, this journey is about to end

I was travelling continuously, I was not stumbling, going down on every step carefully and after a long time I felt that there is a circle of light which made me realize that now this journey is about to end. I am about to reach some open ground or jungle, after a while it felt that some door has been reached and suddenly a sound of the door being shut, came, I turned around and saw that there were neither the stairs nor the door. I was present in an inhabited jungle, there was no destination of mine in this jungle. Quietly I kept on walking, in one direction I felt that there is a big fire which is burning and the flames were rising so high as if were touching the clouds, my desire and effort made me take the steps and I kept on going, I could feel these flames to be close by but afterwards I felt that they were not close rather, were far away and they were growing rapidly and the fire was getting more intense and more high, actually fire was too much, I saw a little bit of it from far away but the closer I was getting, the more intense the fire was becoming, when I reached near to it, I saw a cave within the fire and as we are Jin and fire does not harm us, but when I concentrated, I saw that it was not a cave, it was a cave type of room in which a black Jin was sitting and around him were dreadful various skulls of animals and he was performing some act on them sitting over there. 

Skull of evil animal and my name

I went close and sat down, he was so busy and involved doing his act that he did not know that I had come, I started looking at these skulls with lot of attention, names of different people and their parents were written on them. Suddenly, I saw a skull of an evil animal upon which mine, my mother and my father’s name was written on it and below whatever difficult circumstances I was going through were also written, meaning, illness, pain, difficulties, worries, failures, all the doors from every direction closed, irritants all around, sorrow and pain and all of these which were happening with me, all such things were written on the skull of this evil animal, I was really surprised that was this, I was very amazed that such dangerous situation and such dangerous magic had been done on me. Initially, I was very much upset then I thought that why not I turn the magic back through the magician himself and I did Salam (greetings) in a loud voice, upon hearing my Salam, he opened his eyes and expressed lot of disgust and did not reply to my Salam, he replied to me in his magical language and words which were not reply of peace, reply of faith and reply of Islam. 

I am a suffering worried Jin!

Giving this reply, he asked that who are you? Why had you come? I narrated all of my circumstances and that I am also a worried Jin who has been made to suffer. I was in a lot of difficulties and worries and tonight after doing my routine recitations and Tasbihaat I slept and within my dream I have come to you and 

I request to you that you somehow help me out in this problem and reconsider my situation and show kindness and I will be grateful to you. Whatever you will say, I will do for you, before you skull with my name, is present and this is only my name and my mother and father’s name and is it not possible that you end this magic? He saw towards me with lot of concentration, there was satanic evil in his eyes, there was fire, storm, and he was giving me such looks that perhaps he would burn me out and I started feeling heat and burning within myself.


My magic, will not remain magic

He said: My magic is upon this skull, if I wipe out your name from this skull, then my magic will be no more and I will turn back my magical act whereas, I want to retain this magic as the person from whom I took a lot of money and wealth and then I did this magic, I have made a promise with him, I interfered in his conversation in a desperate state and asked that who is he? He said: That Jin is one of your own, but I cannot tell you his name, he wants to ruin you and to end you, he wants to fill your life with torture, disrespect, difficulties and worries and he wants difficulties and problems in your life and that your life always remains such with difficulties and problems. I pleaded with him and requested him again and again, so that my name is erased from these skulls, but kindness and mercy was not given to him even when he was born, in his eyes cruelty, satanic evil and fire went on increasing, his storm became harsh and roughly he rejected my request and said that I will never support you and will never erase your name and never ever I will end it, as this is my business and I do not want to end my business.

Fire in his eyes was reducing

I was continuously pleading with him, many hours passed by, I kept on pleading, crying, finally after hours I felt that his tone is softening up, fire in his eyes was reducing. Finally he held his forehead and sat down. He said: Yes, there is a way and it is that the person from whom I took this money and this lot of wealth, I return his money to him and if you give me this much money, I will return it. I agreed to this and I told him that alright, I am ready to do all of this, I do not know from where mercy came in his heart and he showed some kindness that he immediately lifted the skull but again kept it back, he said that how do I believe that you will give me money. I said: You can name any guarantor and I can arrange his guarantee and will give it to you that I will fulfill my promise rather I will give you more money.

The skull took the shape of a monkey

He lifted the skull immediately and started reading something. I was amazed that the more he was reading and was blowing air from his mouth on this skull, a shape was appearing upon this skull, within a while, the skull took the shape of a big monkey and became its head. After this, the more he was reading and blowing on it, the hands and feet of this monkey started shaping up and in a while it started to jump around. Shouts were coming out of his mouth and he was doing mischief and again and again was jumping towards me and was coming forward to snatch me and to injure me, I felt as if he is in some cage and is contained in some magical cage, now his reading was increasing and within a short while, its jumping around slowly ended it, sat down. This black magician who was sitting with big fire around him, doing magic on people and he himself was a Jin, his reading went on increasing. Monkey suddenly fell on the ground and now only his eyes were moving which was a sign that still there is life in him and breathing is there. His reading further increased and within a short while, the monkey died and the moment he died, I felt that, Abdus Salam Jin took a cold breath and by keeping his both hands upon his legs said that, I felt as if suddenly I have come out of some hardest possible chains which had contained me.

Ok, I have ended your magic!

His continued his recitation, within a while the body of the monkey started shrinking and dissolving, extremely bad smell started coming out and finally, the same skull was remaining upon which the names had been written, now I got to know that this skull was of a very big monkey and all this was done through magic, but now when I looked towards this skull, I saw nothing was written on it, me and my parents names, all were erased, this black magician lifted the skull and kept before me and said: I have ended your magic, I was looking at the skull in amazement and out of fear, was not touching it, I asked a question, how all this magic was done upon me? This magician relaxed backwards and saw towards me and took a long breath and said, and yes, now there was no evil in his eyes, neither that fire nor there was harshness in his accent.

Actually I have learned magic from Kali Devi

He said, actually I have learned the magic from Kali Devi and now its been centuries that I am learning it and I am doing this magic since centuries, I am very rich and I ask for the amount of money as I desire, only Jinnat can reach me and only Jinnat come and get the magic done by me and that Jinnat get the magic done who have jealousy, hatred, revenge, animosity in them and these Jinnat are everything for me. These Jinnat at times get the work for humans also done from me, some human aamils are such who have subordinate Jinnat and they send their Jinnat towards me as they cannot come themselves because to reach me, crossing of the ocean of fire is a must which humans cannot do, therefore, I do the job for human beings also. Few days back, I made 17 people of the same family sick including father, grandfather, grandchildren and they all got a dangerous sickness. Five amongst them have died, I am doing further evil acts and they will also die and will get ruined. My job is to do magic only through sifly (worse evil form of magic) acts and I only do sifly magic and I ruin people through sifly acts only

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