
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Marvels of Surah Alm Nashrah

Ubqari Magazine - December 2019

Five reasons of compromised sustenance: Sleeping after sunset i.e. in between the time of Maghrib and Isha prayer; laughing in a graveyard, not being punctual in offering prayers; not prostrating upon Sajda e Tilawat while reciting Holy Quran and eating in dark.

Marvels of Surah Alm Nashrah


Respected Hazrat Hakeem Sahib, Asalam Alaikum! Once I was reading a book written by a pious person. It was written therein that one day while he was teaching in Madrassah, a man came and asked for recommending him to the city magistrate who was to conduct hearing of a case pertaining him. That man had recently converted to Islam. The pious man first asked him to tell him the story of his conversion.

The man then started talking about the marvels of Surah Alm Nashrah. He said that his family was among the notables of the city. He after getting higher education joined his father who was a notable cloth merchant. The man had recently got married to an Arya Samaj family when he fell a prey to tuberculosis. Many doctors were consulted but to no avail. His brother in law, a doctor would visit him, examine and prescribe. One day he declared that the disease had become incurable and he may eat whatever he wanted as his days were counted. Anticipating the imminent death, he started weeping.

“I will treat you on a condition” her wife said and encouraged him that he will get well soon. His wife demanded to fulfil the condition upon getting cured. His wife started his treatment. She would recite some verses supposedly from Veds and blow upon his whole body. In a week period, he started moving around; and in the third week of the treatment he became healthy enough to join his father in business.

One day his wife came and asked to fulfil the promise he made to her. She went inside and brought a copy of Holy Quran. His wife then told him the story of her embracing Islam. She told that in her mohalla, wife of the Imam Sahib of the mosque would teach children Holy Quran. She sometimes would go there along with other children. She had read phonics of the Holy Quran and started learning recitation of Holy Quran. When she had read all Holy Quran, her teacher asked if she had understood the meaning. To this she replied in negation saying that one cannot understand Arabic without translation. Her teacher then encouraged her to read Holy Quran with translation. Having read Holy Quran with translation and understood she expressed her teacher the desire to embrace Islam. She embraced Islam and her teacher forbade her to discuss this conversion with her family since she hailed from an Arya Samaj family which could have created communal tension and problems for the family of Imam Sahib.

She time and again would visit her teacher to offer optional prayers and recite Holy Quran. Besides she also kept on studying Ved. Meanwhile her marriage got fixed and on the eve of her wedding, her teacher gifted her Holy Quran wrapped in cloth when she had sat in palanquin. She told her husband about the surah which cured patients. She had recited and blown the same to treat her husband. Her husband told that he impressed by this marvel of Holy Quran at once embraced Islam. Moreover, he asked his wife to remain quiet on this issue as his father may kick them out from home, wait for some time. When I got the monetary matters of property issues in my favor and the part which was logically mine, I got it named after me then we announced that we are Muslims. In the house and neighborhood there was a cry. The folks in my neighborhood went to court of the area that I should be removed from my property. This person’s case was strong so I recommended him.



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